How to draw a Pegasus Step by step

How to draw a Pegasus horse easy and beautiful it is with a pencil in 4 versions will be described in this article!

Follow our instructions and do not miss anything. To make the kid interested, during the drawing process, you can tell him that Pegasus is a mythical character.

Pegasus drawing is not an easy task due to the presence of wings, but we have prepared colorful pictures for you, and it will make your work easier! Outwardly, he looks like an ordinary horse in autumn. But there is a central feature – wings. This is a magic horse – he knows how to fly, and to knock springs out of the ground with a blow of a hoof.

Pegasus is the horse of God Poseidon, the patron of art. He rushes like the wind and gives everyone inspiration. If you want to draw, here we will tell you how to draw a pegasus.But you can draw it. The image of Pegasus will cheer you up, invoke the muse. The following describes how to draw a Pegasus in stages.

How to draw a Pegasus easy ( option 1)

How to draw a Pegasus

To make a real sketch of an animal, you need to know how to draw a pegasus with a pencil. So, we start by drawing two circles, which are located on the same line, but at an angle.

How to draw a Pegasus
Above the upper circle, draw a small circle, releasing to the right of it at an angle the elongated part of the ellipse.

How to draw a Pegasus
Connect two circles with curves, highlighting the body of a Pegasus, go with smooth lines to the head. Draw an ear on a small circle.

How to draw a Pegasus
We limit the unicorn’s forelegs, hind limbs and tail to be broken.

How to draw a Pegasus
We detail the head: we draw a flattened and elongated eye socket into which we place a small pupil. Above and below the eye, add a few bends.

How to draw a Pegasus
Draw an eyebrow above the eye and go to the face. We highlight the nose and lips more clearly. Qualitatively draw the nostril.

How to draw a Pegasus
Select the ear and draw the second after it. Above the auricles, we depict horsehair, which the wind blew to the left.

How to draw a Pegasus
We bring the line of the lower jaw to the left, rounding it.

How to draw a Pegasus
Strictly along the skeleton of the fore and hind limbs, draw their boundaries, not forgetting the muscles and hooves.

How to draw a Pegasus
Add a lush mane to the nape and neck of the pecans.

How to draw a Pegasus
Focusing on the tail line, we describe twisted curls around it.

How to draw a Pegasus
We wipe all the auxiliary lines and grease a little all the clear lines of the picture.

How to draw a PegasusDraw wings on a mighty Pegasus

How to draw a Pegasus

We make veins in the wings.

And our drawing is ready!

Pegasus drawing easy (option 2)

How to draw a Pegasus

Body parts
As always, it simplifies the task with the help of schematic figures, as the basis of the body. Draw a Pegasus head closer to the center of the sheet in a small circle (use a compass). Then add a few ovals of different sizes to depict the torso, neck, and elongated face of the horse.

How to draw a Pegasus
Then we add a few more figures, as front and hind limbs. Carefully follow the instructions.
Horse draw reared.
How to draw a Pegasus
Connect the figures
We connect all the statistics in a smooth line and draw the contours of the animal. Thanks to the schematic parts, we were able to draw the correct shape of the animal’s body quickly.
How to draw a Pegasus
Now give the cloven-hoofed character the correct shape of the limbs.
How to draw a Pegasus
The ears
Pegasus’s ears are small. Sharp on the ends.
In a small semicircle, we visually convey the correct relief of the horse’s head.
How to draw a Pegasus
Pegasus’s face is no different from the front of an ordinary horse. Draw eyes, nostrils, and mouth as shown.
How to draw a Pegasus
The main feature of this mythical character is the large, beautiful wings on its back. It is they who give him magic.
How to draw a Pegasus
To depict the feathers on the wings, draw the lower part in the form of sharp teeth.
How to draw a Pegasus
Pegasus’s neck is covered with beautiful, thick hair – fur.
How to draw a Pegasus
Remember to draw a horse with a long tail.

How to draw a Pegasus
Give it the right shape.

Finishing touches

You have to repeat a few more strokes in your drawing, and the drawing of the heads. The body of the horse is figured and embossed. Our Pegasus is no exception. A few small touches and all forms of the character will be bright.
How to draw a Pegasus

How to draw a realistic Pegasus ( option 3)

How to draw a Pegasus

First, circles are drawn where the animal will be located. The smallest circle is the head, a narrow muzzle and ears are attached to it. Then there are two large circles for the body.

How to draw a Pegasus
Continuing to draw Pegasus, you need to connect the circles by drawing the neck and torso. Outline the tail and legs. The animal is in flight, so they are bent. The wings should be melted.

How to draw a Pegasus
The most challenging thing is to draw a Pegasus face. Ears are drawn, the place of the beginning of the mane, bangs. His eyes are round, and his face is gradually narrowing. In the end, draw the nostrils and mouth.

How to draw a Pegasus
Continue the drawing with a mane line. The bent legs are massive, at the end of the hoof, while the hind legs are slightly straightened. Then choose the shape of the wings and draw feathers.

How to draw a Pegasus
Having drawn one wing, they draw a pair in the same way. Smooth transitions outline the back of the Pegasus body. The tail should acquire a magnificent and attractive appearance.

How to draw a Pegasus
To make the animal look elegant, you need to draw shadows. It should be on the neck, end of the muzzle, on and under the wings, in the lower part of the trunk, tail and legs. The drawing is ready.

How to draw a Pegasus

Draw so cute Pegasus ( option 4)

How to draw a Pegasus

Everyone loves to watch cartoons on the TV screen. Cartoons with ponies and Pegasus are very popular now. They fly, talk, and do magic every day. Sometimes you want to repeat the image of your favorite hero from the screen. How to draw Pegasus quickly in four steps is explained below.
As a rule, they start to draw from the head. In Pegasus, the face narrows, and ends with the ear on top. The eye is large and round with a glare. And lush bangs lay neatly on her head.

How to draw a Pegasus
The neck goes in a straight line, on top of it from the ear, a man lies in a bend. Legs extend from the bottom of the neckline. At first, they are narrow, then from top to bottom they gradually expand, ending with a hoof.

How to draw a Pegasus
The next stage is the torso. This is the perpendicular line between the front and rear legs. And most importantly, the wings. They start from the back and ascend to the sky.

How to draw a Pegasus
Remained a little. The hind legs should be slightly wider than the front and rush back. Pegasus has hooves on its feet. And the final feature is a three-line tail.

How to draw a Pegasus

So that the picture does not seem boring, you need to colorize it. For example, the tail and mane can have two colors, light and dark pink. Decorate hooves in bright crimson, and wings in purple.How to draw a Pegasus

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