Cute chicken drawing for Kids and Beginners

Cute chicken drawing this is a simple and exciting experience! The chicken is one of the most widespread animals in the world. In order chicken drawing cute, you certainly need to take a pencil, I recommend a round pen to you since I use it all the time and if there is an error, you can easily erase it with a regular eraser that you can buy at a kiosk or in many stores.

If you would like to draw your chicken, all you will need is a pencil, a piece of paper, and this easy, step-by-step drawing tutorial. Notice that in each step, new lines to be drawn are highlighted in blue.You may also want to use an eraser to remove guidelines and correct mistakes. Use crayons, paints, coloured pencils, or markers to shade your finished drawing.

Chicken drawing cute(1 option)

Cute chicken drawing

To begin, learn how to draw a chicken with a pencil. Specialized skills are not needed here. The main thing – the presence of yellow paint and the pen itself.The basis of the picture. We draw two circles in thin lines: one is more prominent (bottom), the other is smaller (top).

Upper is the head of the feathered. Here we enter two more small balls (eyes) and a small triangle (beak). It should turn out like a snowman in two parts.

Cute chicken drawing
We add details. These are wings, paws and a tuft on the head. In the triangle put two small points of the nostrils.

Cute chicken drawing

We draw around a thicker line (you can use a felt-tip pen). All previously drawn can be erased.

Cute chicken drawing
Add colours. The tummy is light yellow, and the wings are brighter, the legs and the beak are pink.

Cute chicken drawing

Сute baby chicken drawing(option 2)

Cute chicken drawing

Having mastered the simple version, you can learn how to draw a chicken in stages. You will need a yellow colour for the body, black for the peephole and red for the nose.

The foundation. First, draw a circle. Just above the center, we draw a curve ending in short, broken lines (this is a tail). We make another concave semicircle from the reverse side. Wipe all unnecessary.

Cute chicken drawing
Let us face. Add a sharp corner to the small semicircle outside. At a short distance from it (inside a large arch) we enter a small ellipse.

Cute chicken drawing
We continue to detail. Inside the small ellipse, we put three dots, in the upper part we draw another curve (this eyelid).

Cute chicken drawing
Inside the semicircle, we draw a broken line (these are wings). And now add the legs at the bottom of the figure. These are two closely spaced parallel lines and three more thin ones below.

Cute chicken drawing
We outline all with a thick pencil.

Cute chicken drawing

Cute chicken drawing

How to draw a little chicken(option 3)

Cute chicken drawing

Now you understand how easy it is to draw a chicken. You can try to write on the paper a touching little bird with sad eyes. This feathered consists mainly of circles, so even the child will cope with the task.
We depict two small circles and shade almost entirely, leaving two bright spots.

Cute chicken drawing
Head. Draw around these balls ellipse extended in width, leaving a hole at the top. There append crest. Below the peephole, we draw a triangle (this is a spout).

Cute chicken drawing
Body. It’s easy to draw. This is a square with rounded edges. Inside we enter two elongated semicircles (these are wings) without the top. Below two more arches (these are paws).

Cute chicken drawing
Add colours. Taurus and head – yellow. The nose is red. We outline all with a thick marker.

Cute chicken drawing

How to draw a little chicken(option 4)

To draw a chicken, you certainly need to take a pencil, I recommend a round pen to you since I use it all the time and if an error happens, you can easily erase it with a regular eraser that you can buy at a kiosk or in many stores.

So, we draw for the beginning of our chicken head and then draw him two eyes. After that, you need to draw a chicken trunk; it will also be in a rounded form. After that, you will need to draw a chicken cranberry. On the beak, we make a line so that the chicken can open it.

Do not forget to draw chicken wings and nostrils on the beak as well. Draw legs chicken. We draw two lines on one cheek so that the chicken will be prettier. And in the end, paint the chicken. You can paint in any colour, but I recommend to wash it yellow — legs and beak in orange.

Cute chicken drawing

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