Cowboy Drawing Step by Step

Cowboy drawing in 3 versions will be described in this article! Cowboy is the name used in the Wild West of the United States about cattle herders. The era of cowboys began in 1865, when it was necessary to drive giant feral herds of bulls into theft, mainly in Texas. This era ended about 20 years later. About a third of the cowboys were African American, freed after the Civil War, but without work or property. Another third of the cowboys were Mexicans, and a third were descendants of immigrants from Europe.

The word cowboy itself, consisting of two words – cow (cow) and boy (guy), literally translates as “cow guy.”
It is known that it was hard, grueling work with meager pay. Almost half of them were of African, Indian, or Mexican roots. Many cowboys had to hire horses for their work from the rancher. Cowboy drawing an easily; the main thing is to follow our recommendations!

The mere mention of the profession of a cowboy forces the imagination to paint pictures of the wild corners of North America: endless plains, herds of cows, horses, and in the foreground – brave men with imperturbable chapped faces. Dressed in jeans, plaid shirts, and hats, shod in boots, these tough guys deftly wield the lasso, pacify wild bulls and mustangs, and shoot well-aimed revolvers.

The history of professional shepherds on the North American continent is only 150 years old – it began immediately after the end of the war between the North and the South.

So let’s get down to drawing our cool CowboyCowboy right away!

Cowboy drawing easy (option 1)

Cowboy Drawing

1 Head

We depict the oval head of CowboyCowboy Woody.
Auxiliary figures

Cowboy Drawing

2 Torso

Draw the Cowboy’sCowboy’s torso and arms.
Body shapes

Cowboy Drawing

3 Cowboy hat

The cowboy hat has a wide brim. Shape the Cowboy’sCowboy’s face.
Cowboy DrawingWoody – sleeves, and collar.

Cowboy Drawing
Additional details

4 Clothing details

Draw the Cowboy’sCowboy’s legs
Cowboy Drawing
Woody finish the oval buckle belt and boots.

Cowboy Drawing
Woody Boots

Cowboy Drawing

5 Footwear

Also made up of small parts.
Cowboy Drawing

6 Hero face

Draw the details of the cowboy’s face: eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, ears.

Cowboy Drawing

7 Finishing the drawing

A little more, and the drawing is ready.

Cowboy Drawing
Cowboy Look Details
When drawing the cowboy face, you need to be very careful since this stage is the most difficult. Don’t miss anything.

Cowboy Drawing

8 Color

You can color the cartoon character in the version that we offer or show your imagination and paint in other colors.

Cowboy Drawing

Cowboy drawing illusion (option 2)

cowboy drawing easy

There are several options for drawing a cowboy with a pencil step by step. Let’s consider one of them:
The first stage will be drawing an oval of the head with auxiliary lines (along which we will further draw eyes, nose, and lips), the outline of the lasso:

cowboy drawing easy
Let’s draw the shape of the head:

cowboy drawing easy
Focusing on the auxiliary lines, draw the face of the Cowboy:

cowboy drawing easy
How to draw a hat and hair:

cowboy drawing easy
Draw a skull on the cap:

cowboy drawing easy
Now let’s draw a neck and a bandage on it:

cowboy drawing easy
Let’s finish the shoulders:

cowboy drawing easy
And the lasso:

cowboy drawing easy
Background optional:

cowboy drawing easy
Delete unnecessary lines, outline the outline:

cowboy drawing easy
Our cowboy drawing is ready.

cowboy drawing easy

Cowboy drawing step by step (option 3)

cowboy drawing step by step

Let’s try to draw a cowboy; although this character is not very popular at present, he still occasionally pops up in films (“The Lone Ranger”) and cartoons (“Toy Story”). Let’s give it its due and try to translate it into an accessible form. We start drawing with a circle. We draw a small circle, under it another one (like a snowman), then draw four lines down from the lower ring; two are curved in one direction, two in the other.

cowboy drawing step by step
Finish off our Cowboy’sCowboy’s pants by limiting them at the bottom. Let’s draw the arms and the top of the hat in a very distinctive silhouette.

cowboy drawing step by step
Now add the ears to the head, arms to the sleeves (for now, mark them with ovals), and legs – we have them in the form of trapezoids.

cowboy drawing step by step
Let’s take a close hat. We draw the brim of the hat and a line on the forehead of our CowboyCowboy, indicating the border of the hat worn on his head.

cowboy drawing step by step
How to draw a traditional cowboy outfit. Its distinctive features are a belt and a scarf. We also draw the boots. We outline the thickness of the sole; the nose bent towards the top and higher – two lines denoting the spurs worn on the shoes. & nbsp; Everything is shown in the figure.

cowboy drawing step by step
We draw a face according to a simplified scheme.

cowboy drawing step by step
Two of the Cowboy’sCowboy’s favorite items that he is known to never part with are the pistol and the lasso. Here we depict them in his hands, on which we also draw fingers.

cowboy drawing step by step
That’s all, we erase the extra lines and add nuances – cages on a shirt, trim on trousers, and a fool for mischief, we have a very young cowboy, practically a boy!
That’s all, not the most accessible lesson, but I think it quite interesting! Good luck with your drawing!

cowboy drawing step by step

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