Bug Drawing in 2 ways will be described in this article! When exactly the bug appeared on our vast planet still needs to be precisely clear. But there is an assumption that it happened more than three million centuries ago. Bug, also called hard-winged, are insects whose fragile wings, designed for flight, are protected from above by rigid elytra.
According to the modern classification, such organisms are allocated to their eponymous detachment. Today, biologists distribute bugs into several hundred families and several thousand species. Some of them are considered extinct. Let’s consider in more detail the beetles of widespread species.
The Latin definition of the vast order of bugs was the result of the merger of two ancient Greek words: “κολεός”, meaning “sheath”, and “πτερόν” corresponding to the concept of “wing”. Thus, there appeared a name for an insect that retracts its wings into a “scabbard” in a calm state.
A characteristic feature of hard-winged bugs is the presence of hard chitinous or leathery elytra formed from the upper pair of wings. This peculiar armor protects the insect’s folded flying wings from damage when it is not in the air.
The shape of the body of bugs depends on the habitat and species. In aquatic bugs, it is slightly flattened, streamlined and compact (floaters, swimmers). Bugs living in the soil are characterized by a somewhat convex body shape with a powerful, expanded front part (scarabs, dung beetles).
Bug Drawing is a fun activity; the main thing is to follow our steps! Bugs on the ground have a firmly convex upper part and rather long limbs (beetles). In the body structure of adults, three main sections are distinguished: head, thorax and abdomen.
The head of the beetle is rounded and slightly flattened, although, in some families, it appears to be an elongated tube. It may be deeply embedded in the anterior thorax and practically invisible or loosely connected to it by a movable neck. In some beetles, the head is a cephalopod, with a mouthpart at the end (weevils, spoonbills, tube beetles).
On the upper surface of the head are placed bug antennae of varying lengths, consisting of individual segments, which perform the functions of olfactory organs. On the sides are well-developed, complex faceted eyes of the beetle, sometimes consisting of 25 thousand individual lenses, creating a mosaic image
Some species have additional simple eyes on the vertex, and underground cave dwellers may not have visual organs. The mouth apparatus of most bugs, designed for grinding food, consists of paired mandibles (upper jaws) and maxillae (lower jaws). Tiny feelers are located on the lower lip and jaws of hard-winged bugs, which are peculiar organs of the touch and taste of the insect. The most enormous mandibles are observed in horned bugs (in the stag beetle and Hercules beetle).
In the structure of the thorax of bugs, three segments are distinguished: anterior thorax, movably connected with the middle thorax and fused with the posterior thorax. On the dorsal side, the segments are called pronotum, midtibia, and hindtibia. Each piece is formed by two semicircles (upper tergite and lower sternite), which are movably connected. Rigid elytra are attached to the tergites of the mid dorsum, and webbed wings are placed on the hind dorsum of the beetle. The three thoracic sternites each bear a pair of limbs.
Let’s get on with bug drawing!
Bug Drawing Easy (option 1)
Scarab is a beautiful black bug; you can learn to draw it with your hands. To do this, prepare a clean sheet of paper, a well-sharpened simple pencil and a rubber band. To do this, draw thin lines ovals two for the beetle’s body.
Now, thin lines, which can be removed with a rubber band, draw the head, mustache and legs.
Now, we can draw the details of the beetle’s body with better general lines.
It remains to draw shadows; you can see all the fine details in the picture. As the scarab beetle looks, you can see hairiness on the legs, eyes, and points on the beetle’s body.
By drawing the shadows, our beetle becomes alive.
Bug Drawing Cute (option 2)
Scarab is a black bug with a strong body, even considered a sacred talisman. You can draw it with a pencil in 5 steps.
First, you need to draw a small oval at the bottom to draw a larger semi-oval.
Then draw the head, then tendrils and paws and draw on the back wings and claws at the very end.
And this is how it looks in the painted form.