Dragon Drawing Step by Step

Dragon Drawing in 3 variants will be told in this article! The word “dragon” is of Greek origin, and many linguists believe it comes from the root δέρκομαι, roughly meaning “seeing, observing, peering through,” etc. This is a pretty interesting fact that we’ll remember: the Greeks thought the dragon was someone who was watching them and watching everyone and always watchinge world’s dragons can be quite different: some are multi-headed, some fly, many breathe flames, and most have legs… If we try to find something familiar in all dragons without exception, we will surely find such signs, too.

A dragon is:
1) scaly,
2) incredibly huge,
3) extremely dangerous,
4) extremely intelligent, usually much brighter than a human.

In the inhabitants of the Middle Ages, the dragon looked like a vast, intelligent, but unpleasant and bloodthirsty serpent, with which the God Enlil fought. Yes, in fact, and the whole world, according to Sumero-Akkadian mythology, was created from the blood of a giant dragon – the monster Tiamat, which was able to grow seven heads.

The dragon is the most essential element of Chinese mythology and culture in general. Dragons personified strength, fire, royalty, masculinity, and so on, lived in the sky, mountains, forests, and the sea, and were giant lizards, sometimes able to fly. According to philosopher Wang Chui, who, in the first century AD, somehow managed to measure dragons, their average length reached three hundred meters. Still, the esteemed philosopher slightly failed to cope with the measurements.

Drawing a dragon is an exciting and fantastic activity. The main thing is to follow our recommendations, and you will succeed! Things are a little more complicated with Indian dragons. Although the great serpents in local mythology, like dogs, who is a dragon and who is a naga – a representative of the serpent pantheon, a magical cobra – it isn’t easy to understand. But the fact is that the Indian great snakes could spew flames (as if poison was not enough for them), were great sorcerers, often leaned on their feet, and were never opposed to dabbling in humanity or even God. There is no such word, but what else can you call what remains of an unlucky deity who decided to compete with the great serpent?

The Inkanyamba dragon, which lives at the bottom of some lakes in Zimbabwe and South Africa, is a giant monster, but it flies well because it can cause a tornado on which it travels. To get in the way of Inkanyamba is not worth it, to approach the lake, at the bottom of which the dragon likes to sleep – too, and in his jaws can easily fit a grown man in full armor.
The folklore of the people of the Congo describes the local dragon mokele-bembe in such detail that until the end of the 20th century, entire expeditions were assembled, planning to capture, film and salt (well, or describe) the mokele-bembe. This is a vast gray spirit-predator, which has a body similar to an elephant, but many times larger, as well as a small head, possessing a lot of sharp teeth, which make-bembe tears a man in a second.

The abundance of snakes and crocodiles in the region didn’t stop Egyptians from worshipping dragons – giant flying serpents, often depicted with rather cute legs and often with human heads. In addition, the dragon here workssymbolized absolute evil – in the form of a vast serpent, Apop. He planned to swallow the sun, so every night, the God Ra waged a desperate battle with Apop and cut the gad’s spine. But one day, Apop would win, and then the world would end.
Let’s immediately start drawing a dragon!

Dragon Drawing Easy (option 1)

dragon drawing

What you’ll need

  • Paper;
  • felt-tip pen, pen or pencil;
  • eraser.

Dragon Drawing
This funny dragon will work even for those who don’t know how to draw. Let’s get started!
Draw a circle. In its lower right part, draw the same shape, but smaller – this will be the pupil. In it – another circle, the smallest – this will be the glare. Shade the pupil.
Dragon Drawing
Draw half of the circle on the left, just below the eye – this will be the dragon’s face.
Dragon Drawing
Add another small curved line below the eye, ending with a short stroke to create a slyly grinning mouth.
Dragon Drawing
On the face, draw two black dots and short curved lines above them like brackets to create the nostrils. Draw a tooth sticking out of the mouth to make the dragon look more mischievous.
Dragon Drawing
Draw another semicircle right below the eye – this is the dragon’s lower jaw.
Dragon Drawing
Let’s finish forming the dragon’s head. From the nose, draw a curved line – this will be the forehead of the dragon. Draw a small semicircle where this new line ends – this will allow you to draw a horn for the dragon in the future. Draw a pair of triangles on the back of the dragon’s head – this will be the crest sticking out behind the head.
Dragon Drawing
Finally, draw a slightly peeking second eye on the left side to give the dragon volume.
Dragon Drawing
Draw the dragon’s horns – one of them is partially hidden behind the head, and the second one, which is closer to the observer, fits into the same semicircle we drew earlier. Each horn consists of two curved lines coming together. Once finished with them, add a raised eyebrow to the dragon as a bracket above the eye.
Dragon Drawing
Draw a curved line down from where the dragon’s jaw and occipital ridge meet. This will be its neck.
Dragon Drawing
Start drawing the wing. Keep in mind: it looks like a bat’s wing. It is an arm with long fingers with webbing between them.
From the point where the neck ends, draw a slightly rounded line. This will be the forearm of the wing. And finally, another curved line will be his finger.
Dragon Drawing
Now that we have a wing blank, we must make it thicker. To do this, draw two more curved lines from the tip of the wing, repeating the lines we drew earlier.
Dragon Drawing
Now, draw a couple more strips from where the lines that make up the forearm and the finger join – these will be the other fingers. Add three connecting curved lines between the fingers and the shoulder to make a webbing.
Dragon Drawing
Draw a long curved line from the dragon’s chin. It will represent the abdomen.
Dragon Drawing
Let’s draw the dragon’s front legs, which are cute and rounded. Let’s start with the one closest to us. Draw a sort of unclosed half-circle that resembles a six.
Dragon Drawing
Add another curved line to this “six”, and you will get a paw pressed at the elbow, only without fingers.
dragon drawing
Using a curved line, draw the paw on the left. It is hidden behind the body; only a small part of it is visible.
dragon drawing
Now, draw claws on both legs in the form of small triangles.
dragon drawing
Draw two small semicircles below and to the right of the front paws – this is the dragon’s thigh with the clawed foot.
dragon drawing
One more curved line from the tip of the hind paw and the leg becomes clear.
Draw the back paw
dragon drawing
Finish the dragon’s belly by continuing the line to the back paw.
dragon drawing
Add the dragon’s tail, which consists of two long curved lines that start at the dragon’s leg and at the base of its wing. On the back paw, draw claws made of small triangles.
Draw the tail
dragon drawing
Finally, add the dragon’s second hind leg, which should only be partially visible because the body hides it. To do this, draw a small semicircle under the leg. Add the same triangular claws.
dragon drawing
Draw a crest on the tip of the tail, which looks like a slightly curved triangle.
dragon drawing
Draw lines from the dragon’s chin to his forearm, from his forearm to his knee, and from his hip to the tip of his tail. Draw a curved segmented pattern that resembles a rope ladder between them and the abdomen’s border.
Draw a pattern on the abdomen
dragon drawing
The dragon is ready. If you want, you can color it with markers, paints, pencils or felt-tip pens. You can watch the whole master class here.

dragon drawing

Dragon Drawing Tutorial (option 2)

Dragon Drawing Easy

First of all, there are a lot of varieties of Chinese dragons. However, despite this, they all resemble each other in one way or another because their shape resembles a snake. Let’s draw one of the Chinese dragons.
1. Draw a curved line on the paper with a simple pencil. What exactly it should be, is shown in the photo.

Dragon Drawing Easy
2. Parallel to it at a distance of 2-3 centimeters draw another line of the same kind. In this case, both lines at the end should be connected at an acute angle. That is, you should get the body of the snake, but without the head.

Dragon Drawing Easy
3. Draw the dragon’s head to the torso, along with eyes, nose and tongue.

Dragon Drawing Easy
4. Draw four legs to the dragon. Two closer to the head and two closer to the tail.

Dragon Drawing Easy
5. Below the two lines (torso) at a distance of 1 centimeter draw another line parallel to the torso. This will be the belly of the dragon. We draw small transverse strips on the belly.

Dragon Drawing Easy
6. On the back, on the head and on the top of the tail draw sharp spikes.

Dragon Drawing Easy
7. On the tip of the tail, draw a tassel.

Dragon Drawing Easy
8. Remove unnecessary strokes with an eraser.

Dragon Drawing Easy
9. Color the dragon. Usually Chinese dragons are painted in red color.

Dragon Drawing Easy

Dragon Drawing Simple (option 3)

dragon drawing tutorial

Step 1.
Draw the outline of the dragon figure as shown in the picture below

dragon drawing tutorial

Step 2.
Now start drawing the back of the head. Draw the spikes

dragon drawing tutorial

Step 3.
Also draw the front part of the head.

dragon drawing tutorial

Step 4.
Detail the head. Draw the spikes

dragon drawing tutorial

Step 5.
Start drawing the body and paws in the foreground.

dragon drawing tutorial

Step 6.
Then add the paws in the background and draw the fingers.

dragon drawing tutorial

Step 7.
Next, draw the tail. Draw the end of the tail in the shape of an arrow

dragon drawing tutorial

Step 8.
Now draw the outline of the wings.

dragon drawing tutorial

Step 9.
Continue drawing the wings, finish drawing the spikes all over the body. And draw a line on the neck

dragon drawing tutorial

Step 10.
Erase the auxiliary lines. Coloring Dragon for Beginners

dragon drawing tutorial

Coloring Dragon for Beginners

dragon drawing tutorial

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