How to draw a mouse in 2 variants will be told in this article! The mouse is a constant companion of mankind. Due to the fact that these small animals carry many dangerous diseases and harm crops, people consider mice as their enemies. This material is about the mouse, a small and charming animal that plays a crucial role in the functioning of ecosystems over vast areas in a wide variety of natural conditions.
Mouse, as often called mammals of the species field mouse belongs to the genus Forest and field mice, which is part of the Mouse family, belonging to the Rodent family. The field mouse is a relatively small animal and has an oblong body length of 10-13 cm; the tail is slightly shorter and makes up to 70% of the body length. Mice have short and stiff fur, which on the back is usually colored grey, brown or red; there are variegated and striped individuals. The fur along the spine is colored black in the form of a band (“belt”) running from the neck to the base of the tail. The fur on the abdomen is usually lighter and colored in grey tones.
Drawing a mouse is a fascinating activity. The main thing is to understand what basic elements you need to start with! The pointed blunted muzzle, small black eyes, and semicircular short ears determine the rodent’s excellent hearing. Sensitive whiskers grow around the nose, which gives mice the ability to navigate their surroundings remarkably well, even in the dark. Mice do not have cheek pouches, which are characteristic of many rodent species, for field mice.
There are two large areas in the mouse habitat: European-Siberian-Kazakhstan and Far Eastern-Chinese. The first area (western) is located from Central Europe to Baikal; the second area is located from the Amur River to the Chinese Yangtze. In Transbaikalia, there is a break in the area. The range of the field mouse is formed under the influence of many factors, the most important being vegetation features and the impact of human activity.
Another limiting factor in the distribution of mice is humidity, so the natural habitat is territories adjacent to rivers and lakes, wetlands with diverse vegetation and adjacent meadows, meadow steppes, separately growing shrubs, moistened edges, glades, deciduous and mixed coniferous-deciduous forests.
The largest population is found in the forest zone of the northern part of the range, where annual precipitation is 500 – 700 mm. In forests and steppes (precipitation less than 500 mm), field mice are less comfortable, so they inhabit lower, more humid forms of relief.
Mice usually dig simple and shallow burrows (up to 10 cm deep) of simple structure, consisting of one to two chambers with 3 to 4 entrance holes. In places with complex microrelief, mice can dig complex burrows up to 7 m long, in which a colony of animals settles. When living in flooded lowlands where it is impossible to dig a burrow, field mice build nests on bushes in the form of spheres with grass paths adjacent to them.
Let’s immediately start drawing a mouse!
Draw a mouse easy (option 1)
Step 1
Draw the mouse’s body as two simple geometric shapes. Add a tiny circle to show the location of the eye on the face.
Step 2
On the right side, draw an oval for drawing the back legs. And on the right side draw an arc-shaped line. Draw the front part of the face.
Step 3
Let’s outline the contour of the ear on the top of the head with an arc-shaped line. At the bottom of the body, draw the base of the front legs.
Step 4
Draw the lower parts of the legs as simple lines. Draw the long tail of the mouse on the left side of the torso.
Step 5
Add one more line to the tail and get a ready element in the drawing. Finalize the contour of the paws by drawing “fingers”. Let’s add another ear in the background and also draw a line in the middle of the front.
Step 6
Finalize all the elements of the face, paws, and ears. Then, outline the entire torso of the mouse and create a finished black-and-white drawing that should be beautifully coloured.
Step 7
We use beige and pink pencils for the base colour. The first shade should be applied to all areas of the drawing, and the second selectively, for example, in the middle of the ear, on the front part of the face, and partially on the body.
Step 8
Now let’s choose a dark brown pencil. Color the mouse with it.
Step 9
With a black pencil, you can add a shadow on the brown parts of the drawing and just go over the general contour and small details of the face for better contrast and brightness of the image.
Step 10
The step-by-step drawing of a cute mouse is complete because it has excellent proportions and beautiful coat colour.
Draw a mouse simply (option 2)
Step 1
The first step in mouse drawing is to create the contour of the face.
Step 2
The next step is to draw the eyes and ears
Step 3
Next, draw the back of our mouse
Step 4
Draw the front legs
Step 5
Next, draw the back legs
Step 6
At this stage, draw the tail
Step 7
Here, we draw the second group of legs of our mouse.
Step 8
Create a beautiful body outline
Step 9
Colour in bright colours