Drawing a Dragonfly in 2 variants will be told in this article! Watching a dragonfly, sometimes it seems that it is a drone launched by aliens to observe the inhabitants of the Earth. Its large eyes resemble TV cameras, its body is an antenna for transmitting TV signals, and its silent wings provide stealth. Its range is unlimited. At least, this is the impression one gets when one sees how easily, without fatigue, the insect flies from place to place.
The body of a dragonfly consists of a head, thorax, abdomen and wings. A tough, chitinous cover serves as armor. The head of the insect is disproportionately large, which is usually associated with great intelligence. It can rotate along the longitudinal axis by 180 degrees. However, this is also available to humans. The eyes have a complex facet structure. They’re made up of 28,000 elements. Some are responsible for color perception, others for the object’s shape. If you look closely at the front of the head, you can see the forehead and lips that close the mouth slit. Dragonflies have jaws with sharp teeth, which they quickly grind food.
The thorax is divided into three parts, each with a pair of legs, and the middle and back parts are still equipped with pairs of wings. Since the front and rear wings work independently, this allows for high flight speed and excellent maneuverability. The dragonfly has a total of four wings. They are thin, chitinous planes covered with a network of delicate veins.
Try doing the same thing with your hands, and you will realize how difficult it is. Dragonfly legs are made up of several parts. The uppermost one has the funny name of Basin. Below is the acetabulum, even lower is the femur, then the tibia, and the construction is completed by the foot. Movable joints connect all parts. The legs are covered with small spines. With such a complex device, dragonflies use their limbs mainly only for landing. They can use the first pair of legs instead of hands, grabbing prey with them.
Drawing a dragonfly is fascinating and valuable for everyone’s development! From the thorax, we move to the extended abdomen, which resembles a long stick of round cross-section. It accounts for 90% of the insect’s body. The abdomen is divided into ten segments. On the sides of each segment are located breathing holes – spiracles. The reproductive organs are also located here.
For the coloring of dragonflies, the entire color palette was used. The body can be black, red, yellow – whatever you want! A combination of any color is realistic, but at most three. There are species with colored spots and stripes. Wings are usually transparent, but there are colored shades – blue, red, greenish. In any case, the dragonfly is a real artistic masterpiece.
The size of dragonflies can vary widely. The body length of the tiniest does not exceed 15 millimeters, with a wingspan of up to 20 millimeters. The largest grows up to 100 millimeters and has a wingspan of 191 millimeters. These are true giants in the dragonfly kingdom.
Let’s start drawing dragonflies immediately!
Drawing a Dragonfly Easy (Option 1)
You can learn to draw a dragonfly; to do this, you need to sharpen your pencil well; the lines of the dragonfly should be thin and transparent.
We start the drawing with these initial outlines.
Draw lines for the wings
Now, draw the whole shape of the wings.
Draw the shape of the torso
Outline the body of our dragonfly.
Draw dragonfly legs
Color our dragonfly
Drawing a Dragonfly Simple (Option 2)
Draw a dragonfly quickly and use step-by-step pictures with a detailed description of each picture. First, draw, as shown in the first picture, a slanting line with a simple pencil, and around it, build up the body of the dragonfly; that is, show the volume of the body, then draw a small head.
At the next stage, mark the dragonfly’s wings and draw them at the third stage. Then, we drew each stage until we got the final drawing of the dragonfly, and then we took colored pencils and painted different colors of our dragonfly.
Now, we draw the lines of the wings. Define the points of the beginning and end of the wings.
Draw the wings and head of the dragonfly.
Draw the lines of the dragonfly’s abdomen more precisely and mark the lines of the legs.
Draw a pattern on the body. Add colors.
Color the pattern on the dragonfly’s body and wings.
On top of the green and brown colors, paint the body with black. Paint the wings not brightly so that they have a sense of transparency.
Add a pattern to the wings with a sharpened pencil!
It is enough to outline the pattern.
Draw the whole pattern. Now the dragonfly is ready!