How to draw a bee in 2 variants will be told in this article! In ancient times, people extracted honey by destroying the hives of wild bees, which built their nests on branches, in the hollows of trees. Then people realized how to tame bees. They began to build houses, which are called hives. A town of hives is called an apiary.
The person who collects the honey is a beekeeper. Domestic bees live in hives in large families; a bee family is called a swarm. Bees know how to make wax honeycombs. In some cells, they live; in others, they lay food; and in others, they lay pollen and nectar—future honey. Bees are very industrious and friendly. They communicate with each other with the help of special movements, so-called dances, and odorous substances—pheromones.
The most important bee is called the queen bee. She is the queen of the hive. Only she lays eggs from which the larvae, the future bees, emerge. There are also worker bees and worker bees in the hive. Worker bees live for 30-35 days. A queen bee can live 5-7 years. If a new queen is born, the old queen leaves the hive. The worker bees fly away with her. Bees insulate their hives with propolis, which is made from the resin of plants.
Honey is the main food for bees in winter. Since there can be about 30,000 bees in a hive, it is obvious that they have absolutely no time to waste in summer. Throughout the summer months, bees fly to the flowers to collect nectar. The nectar and pollen are collected in hexagonal cells – honeycombs. To make the honey thicken (ripen), the bees pour the honey into the warmest corners of the hive, where the moisture evaporates faster. They also flap their wings for better evaporation.
To make honey, bees need to evaporate 2 litres of water per 1 kg of honey. When the honeycomb is filled with nectar, the bees seal it with wax. When the honey is ripe, beekeepers remove the frames and pump out the honey. It’s much more fun to draw bees together it’s entertaining and relaxing! Bees lay eggs in some of the cells, and the honey serves as food for the larvae. In winter, the sealed honeycomb is freed from its thin shell, and then the honey is eaten by the bees. What happens to the bees in the winter? Worker bees maintain the right temperature in the hive even in winter; do not let it fall below 7 ° C. The stored honey is used by the bees as fuel, consuming it to produce the heat needed to maintain a normal temperature.
Interesting facts about bees
- To collect a hundred grams of honey (that’s only a third of a cup), the hardworking bees have to travel a huge distance equal to the length of the equator.
- One bee flies around 1000 flowers a day and works 12 hours a day. During its working shift, it manages to make ten flights. For one teaspoon of honey, a bee needs to collect nectar from tens of thousands of flowers.
- The honeycombs built by bees always have the right shape and exact dimensions. Moreover, they have chosen an interesting shape for their honeycombs – hexagonal. Ancient Greek scientists who studied honeycombs concluded that a bee cell is the strongest and most economical in terms of material consumption vessel!
- Bees are awake for only six months, from March to October, and then go to rest.
Let’s immediately start drawing the bee!
How to draw a bee cute (option 1)
Step 1
The first step in creating our little bee is to draw a half circle with a small notch in it.
Step 2
The next step is to outline a cute eye and a cheek.
Step 3
Next, we finish drawing the eye and head
Step 4
Draw our bee’s antennae
Step 5
Draw the base of the body
Step 6
Paint the body and create wings
Step 7
Draw the front and back legs
Step 8
At the final stage of drawing, we paint our bee.
How to draw a bee easy (option 2)
Step 1
First, draw an elongated oval, which will be the lower part of our bee’s body.
Step 2
The next step is to draw the upper part of the body of our useful insect.
Step 3
Next, we draw the head and its outline
Step 4
Draw the bases of 4 wings and the bases of the front and back legs.
Step 5
Create the walls of the bee’s wings and their base.
Step 6
Darken the front and back legs of our bee, and draw the eyes and the base of the body.
Step 7
Apply the final texture of the bee’s body.
Step 8
Colour the bee