How to draw a dolphin with a pencil

How to draw a dolphin in stages with a pencil. The theme of today’s lesson is how to draw a dolphin in stages with a pencil. Dolphins are amazing creatures, always cheerful, intelligent, inquisitive and playful. The amazing abilities of these good-natured mammals are legendary. Once you see dolphins, you can fall in love with them for life!

How to draw a dolphin in stages

If you do not know how to draw a dolphin so that it turns out beautiful, then sketch first with a simple pencil. Lines drawn with a simple pencil can always be fixed.

1 First, you need to draw a shape of the trunk.



2 When the shape of the trunk is ready, draw a nose, an eye, a dorsal fin, and a tail.


How to draw a dolphin

3 Now take the eraser and wipe the extra lines, so that the nose and the upper fin are connected with the trunk.

What we still do not have in the picture? That’s right, pectoral fins. Draw the pectoral fins, and the dolphin sketch is ready!

How to draw a dolphin

4 Next, you can decorate the dolphin – this is the next step in the lesson how to draw a dolphin in stages.

I take a pencil in blue and dolphin around the contours.

How to draw a dolphin

5 In the same pencil, I begin to paint the dorsal fin, pectoral fins, and eye. The tail fin I did not fully picture, but only half.

How to draw a dolphin

6 It remains only to take a pencil of another color and decorate the trunk and nose. I made a pen in blue. You can take a different color, but choose a shade so that it is lighter than the fins. If the color is darker – it will not be beautiful.


How to draw a dolphin


7 I paint the trunk, nose, and part of the caudal fin, which I left earlier unshaded. I go the dolphin’s belly with white.

I hope you did it and you liked drawing a dolphin!

I will be glad to know your opinion in the comments on this lesson how to draw a dolphin in stages – how it turned out to be difficult for you, or easy?


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