How to Draw a Lynx Step by Step

Lynx is one of the cat family’s most exciting and beautiful representatives. The animal is listed in the country’s Red Book under the first category. This means that the animal is in danger of complete extinction due to the large-scale destruction of this magnificent species.

Appearance In terms of size, the lynx is a relatively small cat compared to other predators. It is an animal with a short, knitted body. The head is round; the ears are tipped with black tassels. The head is large, the eyes are yellow, and the hair on the cheeks is longer, similar to whiskers.

The tail is short, blunt, 25-30 cm long. In winter, lynx fur is thick, with a dense undercoat, and is slightly longer on the belly. The animal sheds twice: in spring and autumn. Summer fur is shorter, and there is no undercoat. The color of a lynx’s fur depends on its Habitat and species.

The most common is grayish-red, with large dark spots on the back and sides. Sometimes, they are present on the chest and paws. The lynx’s paws are significant; the front ones are slightly wider and 20% longer than the hind ones. In front of the pads, there are sharp claws that can retract. The front paws have five toes, and the hind paws – 4. The diameter of the paw print is 6-9 cm, in winter, up to 15 cm. ыы

Drawing a lynx is exciting and informative; the main thing is listening to our recommendations! This is because the fur on the paws becomes thicker in winter, and the animal does not fall into the snowdrifts. When moving, a lynx steps on the prints of its front paws with its hind paws, while the lynx’s tracks are similar to the prints of an ordinary cat and differ only in size.

The fifth toe of the front paw is smaller and located slightly higher than the others, so when it moves, it does not touch the ground—exciting fact: lynx tracks are easily distinguished from wolf and fox tracks. Like many animals, the animal does not move in a straight line but in a winding snake. Dimensions The length of an adult animal is 80-130 cm, height up to 70 cm.

The body length of an adult female is 70-120 cm, and height is 50-60 cm. A lynx weighs 20 to 25 kg, but there are also large specimens up to 30 kg. The weight of females is no more than 20 kg. Lynx cubs are born weighing no more than 300 g, but after six months, they reach the size of an adult male. Habitat – where lynxes live Habitat of the lynx This species of animal lives in Eurasia and North America in places with dense vegetation.

The lynx’s Habitat is impenetrable forests with windbreaks and rocks. The predator leads a secretive lifestyle away from people. He walks around his territory every day, marking the boundaries. The animal can spend its entire life in one territory if a place is rich in game. The Habitat of the common lynx is Russia, Central Asia, the Baltic states, and Scandinavia. In Europe, it is found in many countries with dense forests.

Let’s start drawing the lynx immediately!

How to Draw a Lynx Easy

How to Draw a Lynx

A good way how to draw a lynx step by step for children. The correct sequence of the course of work is observed, and the animal turns out quite realistic. At the same time, the process itself will be under the power of even artists with minimal experience.
Prepare an auxiliary sketch: two ovals for the torso and a circle for the head. Connect them and add paws, slightly bent, as if the animal is preparing to run.

How to Draw a Lynx
How to Draw a Lynx
Let’s start detailing the head. Outline its contour, draw large ears, and fluffy fur on the muzzle. Add eyes and nose.

How to Draw a Lynx
How to Draw a Lynx
Refine the body by outlining it as shown below.
How to Draw a Lynx
Work out the paws—first, the left visible ones, then the right ones farther away from the point of observation.

How to Draw a Lynx
How to Draw a Lynx
Let’s work on more minor details: tail, toes, whiskers, and fur.

How to Draw a Lynx
How to Draw a Lynx
The last step is removing auxiliary lines and adding characteristic skin spots.

How to Draw a Lynx

How to Draw a Lynx

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