Narwhal Drawing Step by Step

Narwhal Drawing in 2 variants will tell in this article! In the cold waters of the Arctic, an exciting sea animal can rightfully be the hero of another fairy tale about unicorns. This creature is called a narwhal. It is a toothed whale with a growing horn in the form of a straight tusk. The length of this tusk can reach half the size of the torso.

This unique marine creature represents the narwhal family and is the only species of its genus. The narwhal family also includes the beluga whale, characterized by similar characteristics.

The narwhal resembles the beluga not only in size and body shape but also in its lack of a dorsal fin. At the same time, their pectoral fins are almost identical, as are the cubs born, although baby beluga whales eventually become practically white. Adult narwhal grows to a length of up to 4 and a half meters and weighs up to 3 tons, although experts believe that there are individuals with a body length of up to 6 meters.

Whales weigh at least 30 percent of their body weight in fat, which protects them from the icy cold, and are at least 10 centimeters thick. The narwhal has a relatively small head and a weakly pronounced neck. The head is slightly blunted, but round in shape due to the presence of a special spermaceti cushion placed above the upper jaw. The mouth of the narwhal is also relatively small, with the upper lip hanging over the lower lip, covering it completely. The narwhal’s lower jaw has no teeth.

Narwhal Drawing is an interesting and exciting activity; the main thing is to follow our recommendations! Important to know! The narwhal’s upper jaw has a pair of teeth in its infancy. If it were not for this fact, the narwhal could be considered an utterly toothless sea creature. One of the teeth forms a long tusk, which is almost 3 meters long, and the tusk is spiral-shaped.

Despite its impressive appearance and weight (almost 10 kg), the tusk is quite strong and flexible. The end of the tusk can bend up to 0.3 meters, and it does not break. And yet, the tusks break and do not grow back, and the dental canals are sealed with bone fillings. As such, there is no dorsal fin, but in the dorsal region is a skin fold, almost a meter long and 5 centimeters high, which acts as a dorsal fin. Pectoral fins in narwhals are short but comprehensive.

Adult narwhals are spotted, distinguishing them from their closest relatives, the white whale. Despite the general light coloration of the body, dark spots of different shapes, up to 5 cm in size, are scattered all over it. These spots may merge into a single coloration, typical for body parts such as the head, neck, and tail area. As for young specimens, their coloration is practically monochromatic and executed in bluish-gray, black-gray, or slate tones.

Let’s get to Narwhal Drawing!

Narwhal Drawing Easy (option 1)

Narwhal Drawing

Now we will see how to draw a narwhal with a pencil step by step for a child very simply and quickly.

Step 1.

Draw the upper part of the narwhal, then the part of the mouth.

Narwhal Drawing

Step 2.

Draw the lower body, round eye, and fin.

Narwhal Drawing

Step 3.

We draw a tail and a line on the belly separating the color of the narwhal.

Narwhal Drawing

Step 4.

Finishing the body of the narwhal

Narwhal Drawing

Step 5.

Draw the horn to our narwhal

Narwhal Drawing

Narwhal Drawing Cute (option 2)

Narwhal Drawing Easy


Step 1.

Let’s start drawing the narwhal with an oval.

Narwhal Drawing Easy

Step 2.

Draw the tail.

Step 3.

Draw the lines of the mouth and, from it, the lines on the stomach of the narwhal.

Narwhal Drawing Easy

Step 4.

We draw details: a fin, an eye, and water splashes.

Narwhal Drawing Easy

Step 5.

Decorate the narwhal.

Narwhal Drawing Easy

Step 6.

Finishing our narwhal horn

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