Spaceship Drawing Step by Step

Spaceship drawing in 3 variants will tell in this article! The spaceship can be unmanned, automatic, or manned. An unmanned spaceship is controlled from the ground or makes a path laid down in its program, and most often these two types of control are combined. A manned ship, in addition, can be controlled manually by a person on board.

The age of the first spaceship was not long. Since they still did not know how to keep them in orbit, they returned to Earth. Their trajectory was specially calculated so that they fell either into the ocean or into a deserted place and could not cause damage. The first artificial satellite was launched in the USSR in 1957. It was a small ball with antennae. His beacon signal was tuned to a public frequency, and people could listen to it on amateur receivers.

The world’s first manned spaceship was launched in the Soviet Union in 1961. It was small enough and not suitable for a long stay in space. The main purpose of the flight was to prove that a person can exist in space and overcome the stress of re-entry into the atmosphere. Of course, before that, animal experiments were carried out, which were successful.

All the first ships were quite small in size and placed inside a multi-stage launch vehicle. As the rocket took off, sections were separated, and only the pilot module itself remained, which, having made several turns around the Earth, landed on a specially prepared place on a special parachute. Over time, the space in the ships began to increase, and a huge number of satellites appeared in orbit of the earth, designed for various purposes. Several cosmonauts are constantly in the orbital station, specially assembled from separate blocks – modules gradually launched into orbit.

Spaceship drawing easy (option 1)

Spaceship Drawing

Here you can see how to draw the world’s elongated spaceship, which can return from space on its own, but for this, it must be put into orbit by launch vehicles, so we will draw the Shuttle together with the transporter.

1. The first step is to draw diagonal parallel lines.

Spaceship Drawing

2. The second stage is to close the contours of the carrier rocket, the main oval, and make the sides sharp-nosed.

Spaceship Drawing

3. the third step is to outline the shuttle.

I have specifically highlighted which part is being drawn at this stage.

Spaceship Drawing

4. The fourth and fifth stages will work out the details of the shuttle.

Spaceship Drawing

Spaceship Drawing

Then you can either leave the drawing in the graphic (see how) or color it to your liking.

Spaceship Drawing

Spaceship drawing simple (option 2)

Spaceship drawing easy

Draw a simple pencil triangle. This will be the base of our drawn spaceship. It will look like a sharp nose that looks to the left.

Spaceship drawing easy

Just above the middle draw a horizontal line. Along the edges, add slanted vertical lines to help shape the spaceship.

Spaceship drawing easy
At the end of the spaceship add another part, in the shape of wings and cannons. Try to make lines as straight as possible, using a ruler is not forbidden – then your drawing will be very accurate and nice.

Spaceship drawing easy
Delete unnecessary lines with the eraser and detail the spaceship. When you are done you can draw the main lines with a black pen or felt-tip pen and the picture will look like a real painting.

Spaceship drawing easy
We are going to put on top of the ship a pilot seat under the glass cover and draw it like in the picture below.

Spaceship drawing easy
Let’s start with the color. The stripes on the drawn spaceship will be orange.

Let’s cover the top with blue, and let’s paint the curves and sides with blue.

Spaceship drawing easy
Let’s make the outline and shadow of the drawn spaceship black.

Spaceship drawing easy
We finalize all the elements. The drawing is finished.

Spaceship drawing easy

Spaceship drawing alien (option 3)

Spaceship drawing simple

To draw a spaceship with a pencil step by step, you need to prepare a white sheet of paper, a pencil, a sharpener, an eraser, and tissues.

Beginning to sketch a drawing of what will be our spaceship with an engine. Draw two oval shapes – this will be the body of the ship. At the bottom, you can see one wing of the rocket and at the back, you have the tail.

Spaceship drawing simple
Connect further ovals. Next, try to repeat as in the picture, or come up with your rocket.

Spaceship drawing simple

Draw on the hull, plates, portholes, and guns.

Spaceship drawing simple
Next, the detailing of this and subsequent pictures.

Spaceship drawing simple

This is how the picture of the spaceship will end up.

Spaceship drawing simple

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