Whale Drawing Step by Step

Whale Drawing in 3 variants will be written in this article! Whales are mammals that live underwater. The animal is gigantic and is considered to be the largest of all creatures living on Earth. It is of great interest to scientists, and underwater inhabitants try to avoid it.

The whale has many features that man carefully studies. Origin It is believed that the ancestors of whales are mesonychians, pair-legged mammals that looked like a wolf and lived about 60 million years ago. Fish was the basis of their diet, so they began to lead a semi-aquatic lifestyle. The figure of mesonychis, the ancestor of cetaceans, Gradually, mesonychis evolved: forelegs turned into fins, the hairs disappeared, and the body became rounded.

About 50 million years ago, they gave birth to whales, which led an exclusively aquatic life—exciting fact: research has shown that whales are related to hippopotamuses and have common ancestors. Appearance Whales are warm-blooded animals whose internal temperature does not depend on external factors and always stays at the same level. This effect is achieved due to a thick layer of fat. It prevents heat from escaping, keeping it inside.

Due to this, the temperature of whales ranges from 35 to 40 degrees Celsius. The mammal breathes thanks to its lungs; it has no gills. And for one breath, a whale can take in a lot of air, which is enough for 40 minutes of being underwater. The animal has an elongated body resembling a drop. This allows it to face less resistance when moving underwater. The head is flattened in front, with nostrils on top—exciting fact: Whale eyes have a diameter of 11 to 16 cm and weigh one kilogram.

Whale Drawing is an exciting and fun activity; the main thing is to follow our recommendations!

Most species have rigid plates in their mouths and underdeveloped fused teeth. They are also called “whale whiskers. The animal uses them to filter the food that enters the water. There are also species in nature that have developed cone-shaped teeth. The number of vertebrae in a whale depends on the species and varies from 41 to 98. They have a porous structure, which makes it easy for the animal to maneuver while moving.

The front part of the body is noticeably more comprehensive than the tail. On either side are the fins, which evolved into fins during evolution. Thanks to them, whales turn and break. The animal has poor eyesight, making it almost impossible to see anything around it. Their sense of smell and taste buds is also poorly developed. However, whales have good hearing, which allows them to capture sounds with a frequency greater than 150 Hz. They communicate using the echolocation organ, which sends and receives ultrasonic signals.

Dimensions of different species of whales The mammal has a large size and weight. The smallest is the pygmy whale. Individuals grow up to 6 m in length, and their mass is 3 to 4 tons. Blue whales are considered the largest. The size of representatives of this species reaches up to 34 meters, and their weight is equal to 150-155 tons. When a whale eats, it opens its mouth and draws in a large volume of water. With the liquid in its mouth, plankton, squid, small fish, and crustaceans fall. They are the main diet of mammals.

Whales reach speeds of up to 14 km / h, and many sea creatures do not have time to swim away when they once again fill their mouths with water. The animal eats food in large quantities, and for the day, representatives of some species consume up to 3 tons of food.

Let’s start Whale Drawing immediately!

Whale Drawing Easy (option 1)

Whale Drawing

Step 1.

Draw the top part of the whale, then the mouth part.

Whale Drawing

Step 2.

Draw the lower part of the body, the round eye and the fin.

Whale Drawing

Step 3.

Draw a tail and a line on the belly to divide the whale’s colouring.

Whale Drawing

Step 4.

The whale is drawn.

Whale Drawing

Step 5.

Colouring the whale.

Whale Drawing

Whale Drawing Simple (option 2)

Whale Drawing Easy

1. Preliminary shapes of a whale drawing

The initial shapes of the whale image resemble the framework of an ordinary boat; only the back side is raised highly upwards. At the start, virtually the facility of the picture draw a fin. Its form is not complicated, so I will certainly not discuss exactly how to draw it. Add two more lines in the drawing with a pencil and move on to the following action.

Whale Drawing Easy

2. Inspect the percentages of the illustration

It’s uncomplicated to proceed to the top and reduce the lines of the whale’s overview, efficiently bringing them together in attracting the tail fin. It may be tough to draw these lines correctly, so don’t press down hard on the pencil; make light strokes. It is essential to attract the first steps appropriately and to preserve all illustration proportions. It would help if you did not make a whale skinny or fat. Maintain your eyes on the percentages, contrasting your drawing with mine if necessary.

Whale Drawing Easy

3. How to draw fins.

A whale has a dorsal fin, two side fins, and a split tail fin, much like any fish. The whale is not a fish but an animal and a mammal. Whales feed their young with milk. But we will certainly not be sidetracked and continue drawing the whale. First, eliminate the now unnecessary contour lines and neatly pull the fins. Attract the eye and also determine the location of its mouth.

4. How to Draw a mouth

The mouth, or the mouth of the whale, is vast and can be compared to an entrance. It is challenging for a whale to feed its multi-ton carcass, so its mouth is from “eye to eye.” He provides upon the smallest plankton, passing tons of water through a network of whale hairs growing right in his mouth. And also one more peculiarity should be drawn by you in the picture of the whale. The whale has an unusual white stubborn belly as if made of red stripes.
That’s it; the drawing of the whale is nearly completed. It stays to add darkness with a straightforward soft pencil and check all the illustration information again.

Whale Drawing Easy

5. Coloring

It is unnecessary to tint the whale with coloured pencils since its all-natural colour is virtually black and white. For this reason, the shading of a simple pencil is an excellent way to make a practical drawing of a whale. To make the picture appearance livelier, you can make a dark background of the deep sea. When the whale comes up to obtain air in its lungs, it discharges massive jets of water from the hole in its back. You can try to draw the whale presently, with a water fountain on its back.

Whale Drawing Easy

Whale Drawing Cute (option 3)

Whale Drawing Cute

Step 1.

We start drawing the whale from the oval.

Whale Drawing Cute


Step 2.

Draw the tail.

Whale Drawing Cute

Step 3.

Draw lines of the mouth and, from it, lines on the belly of the whale.

Whale Drawing Cute

Step 4.
Draw the details: fin, eye and splash of water.

Whale Drawing Cute

Step 5.

Colouring the whale.


Whale Drawing Cute

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