Wheat Drawing in 3 versions will be described in this article! Wheat is an annual cereal that is grown in most parts of the world. It is used to make flour, cereals, pasta and confectionery, even beer, and this is not a complete list. And drawing wheat is not difficult at all. Below we will look at ways how to do this.
It is not difficult to draw wheat; the main thing is to follow our recommendations!
Wheat (Corn)
The grain has an embryo, endosperm, aleurone layer, beard, fruit, and seed coats. It is assessed by size, color, weight, ability to stain with phenol, glassiness.
Divided by size:
- small up to 5 mm;
- average 6-7 mm;
- large seven or more.
By form:
- oval-elongated;
- ovoid;
- oval;
- barrel-shaped.
By type of cross-section:
- square;
- rectangular;
- rounded;
- oval.
The number of grains in an ear of wheat
On average, 7 grains are laid in one spikelet. This figure varies with environmental conditions. Most of the weevils are laid in the middle part of the ear. And there are fewer of them at the top and the base. For example, at the bottom – 2, in the middle – 4, at the top – 2. Therefore, in one spike, there are from 20-50 pieces of grains.
Let’s get down to drawing wheat!
Wheat Drawing Easy (option 1)
Let’s make a step-by-step drawing of wheat ears in this lesson.
Draw a long stem
Draw wheat grains on the stem on one side.
Now we draw wheat grains on the other side of the ear, placing them slightly below the opposite side.
We draw antennae on the ear of wheat emerging from the stem with grains.
Finally, paint the shadows on the wheat grains.
The pencil drawing of wheat ears is ready!
Wheat Drawing Simple (option 2)
Wheat is an excellent addition to the autumn beech that. And some people put ears of corn in vases without
Other plants and this is also very beautiful. It is not difficult to draw an ear.
First, we draw a narrow oval;
From one end, it is the same.
Let’s draw a stem – it starts inside the ear.
And the length will be whatever you want.
Draw grains inside the ear. These are small ovals arranged in pairs. We circle the stem, add a leaf. We erase the extra lines.
Draw awns between the grains, similar to long wheat.
Draw awns between the grains, equivalent to long wheat. Wheat is ready
Wheat Drawing Color (option 3)
It is not difficult to draw ears of wheat if you have additional instruction in pictures that will clearly show you the whole drawing process. Even a child can draw wheat on it. The following wheat will be drawn:
First, let’s draw as many stalks as you need; there can be many, or maybe just one, then we begin to draw the wheat from bottom to top:
Moreover, the top should be narrower than the bottom.
Thus, we draw each stem:
Now we draw small branches around the wheat:
Let’s add some leaves:
Outline the outline:
Add a background as desired:
It can be colored if needed.