How to draw a heart step by step

How to draw a heart in 2 variants will be told in this article! Despite the fact that the heart is only half a percent of the total body weight, it is the most important of the organs of the human body. It is the normal functioning of the heart muscle that makes it possible for all organs and systems to function properly.

The complex structure of the heart is best adapted for the distribution of arterial and venous blood flows. From the point of view of medicine, heart pathologies occupy the first place among human diseases. The heart is located in the thoracic cavity, in front of the sternum. The organ is displaced slightly to the left in relation to the sternum. It is located at the level of the sixth and eighth thoracic vertebrae.
A special serous membrane surrounds the heart. This sheath is called the pericardium. It forms a cavity called the pericardial cavity. Being in this cavity makes it easier for the organ to slide against other tissues and organs. From the point of view of the criteria of radiology, the following variants of the position of the heart muscle are distinguished:

It is as if suspended, with a shift of the left border to the midline -vertical.

Flattened on the underlying diaphragm – horizontal.

Variants of the position of the heart muscle depend on a person’s morphological constitution. In asthenics, it is vertical. In a normosthenic person, the heart is oblique, and in a hyperosthenic person, it is horizontal.

Drawing a heart is a fascinating and inspiring action that develops different parts of the brain. The act of drawing itself helps to develop a person in every way! The heart muscle is cone-shaped. The base of the organ is dilated and faces backward and upwards. The main vessels approach the base of the organ. The structure and function of the heart are inextricably linked.
The heart muscle has the following surfaces:

  • Anterior, facing the sternum;
  • Inferior, turned to the diaphragm;
  • Lateral, facing the lungs.

On the cardiac muscle visualized furrows, reflecting the location of its internal cavities:

  • The venous sulcus. It is located at the base of the heart muscle and is situated at the boundary of the ventricles and atria.
  • Interventricular furrows. They run along the anterior and posterior surfaces of the organ, along the border between the ventricles.

The human heart muscle has four chambers. A transverse septum divides it into two cavities, each of which is divided into two chambers: atrial and ventricular. Venous blood circulates on the left side of the heart muscle, and arterial blood circulates on the right side.

The right atrium is a muscular cavity into which the superior and inferior vena cava open. In the upper part of the atria, a bulge, the auricle, is distinguished. The inner walls of the atrium are smooth except for the surface of the bulge. In the area of the transverse septum, which separates the atrial cavity from the ventricle, there is an oval fossa. It is completely closed.

In the intrauterine period, a window opened in its place, through which venous and arterial blood mixed in the lower part of the ventricular fossa.

Let’s get to drawing the heart immediately!

How to draw a heart easy (option 1)

how to draw a heart

Step 1

how to draw a heart

The first step in drawing our hearts is to draw two perpendicular lines, as shown in the picture below.

Step 2

how to draw a heart

The next step is to draw an inverted triangle at the bottom of our drawing.

Step 3

how to draw a heart

Inside this figure, we draw the base of our hearts!

Step 4

how to draw a heart

Next, draw the arrowhead and the base of the arrow inside our heart.

Step 5

how to draw a heart

Draw the back of the arrow inside of our heart shape.

Step 6

how to draw a heart

Remove the center part of the arrow and the auxiliary lines of our heart drawing.

Step 7

how to draw a heart

Color the heart drawing in bright colors

How to draw a heart simple (option 2)

how to draw a heart easy

Step 1

how to draw a heart easy

First, we draw two half-shafts in the shape of a heart!

Step 2

how to draw a heart easy

Then, in the left part of the drawing, draw the right part of the bow for the heart.

Step 3

how to draw a heart easy

At this stage, we finish drawing the left part of the bow at the base of the heart!

Step 4

how to draw a heart easy

Draw the bottom part of the bow

Step 5

how to draw a heart easy

Create two parallel lines in the center part of the heart.

Step 6

how to draw a heart easy

Remove unnecessary lines, leaving only the main lines, and make them dark.

Step 7

how to draw a heart easy

Color our heart red and the bow blue.

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