How to draw a shark

How to draw a shark in 5 simple steps – excellent for children and novice musicians. The pictures above signifies how your completed drawing Shark. Will look and the actions involved. Ensure that you check out some of the countless drawing tutorials offered by class. The shark is a famous sea predator. But many species differ in size (from 17 cm to 20 m) and according to the type of food. It is no accident that the cartoon characters are good sharks: in real life, as many as three species are not predatory and feed like whales, plankton. The history of these marine inhabitants is hundreds of millions of years old. In this lesson, we will discuss how to draw a shark, and not only the modern, but also the disappearing species

How to Draw a Shark Step-by-Step Tutorial

How to draw a shark


First, let’s examine an example explaining how to draw a shark in stages. The Predator itself has simple, streamlined shapes, characteristic of marine life. Therefore, the drawing process will not be complicated.

Step 1

We draw the primary contour, supplemented by a split tail and two fins. On the upper part of the back, closer to the rear, we note a vertical fin distinctive for the species, which is usually seen when the shark moves near the water surface and warns of danger.

How to draw a shark

Step 2

Let’s complement the drawing with the eyes and open mouth of the predator.

How to draw a shark

Step 3

The main drawing is ready. Remove all the extra lines with the eraser and modify the eyes and teeth.

How to draw a shark

Step 4

It remains only to draw the gills and mark the place of the change in the color of the body of the marine inhabitant: the back and the upper part are usually darker, and the bottom (abdomen) is lighter. The drawing is ready.


We drawing shark in pencil

How to draw a shark

The sequence below, showing how to draw a shark with a pencil, is also suitable for a different level of training for artists.

Prepare a sketch in the form of a triangle with rounded edges.

How to draw a shark

In the right corner, draw the eye of the predator, gazing intently in the distance in search of food.

How to draw a shark

The right upper edge of the base of the triangle is slightly corrected as shown in the figure to make it look like a nose.


Mark the mouth with sharp teeth.


Next, you should circle the whole contour, adding its tail. This can be done with a more dense pencil, and with a special contour marker.


Adding fins.


In general, the sea predator is ready. You can also, for example, depict the depths of the sea, where the shark is swimming.


How to draw megalodon

How to draw megalodon

Megalodone is a species of extinct sharks. These are substantial 15-meter-long sea monsters that lived many thousands of years ago in the whole world ocean. We suggest seeing how it is possible to draw a shark megalodon in the form that is supposed by scientists from the found fossils.

Prepare the sketch, as shown below.


How to draw megalodon

We’ll start with the details from the head. It is assumed that megalodone had a huge jaw, much more modern.

How to draw megalodon

Next, draw the tail and fins. Torso this giant resembles a white shark, now living in the depths of the sea.

How to draw megalodon

Add gills, eyes and a lot of sharp teeth.

How to draw megalodon

The drawing is ready, and now you can color it.

How to draw megalodon


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