Strawberry Drawing Step by Step

Strawberry drawing in 3 versions will be described in this article! Strawberry – In Latin, their name is “Fragaria,” which means “fragrant.” Strawberries are the only berry that has seeds on the outside. Their number per berry reaches 200! And yet, despite all the sweetness of the fruit, strawberries reduce the amount of sugar in the blood, and there is even more vitamin C in it than in citrus fruits.

Here’s another surprise: Pinberry strawberry tastes like pineapple! Easy and straightforward, we will help you draw a wonderful strawberry! Moreover, ripe strawberries of this variety are white, and their seeds are red. In general, this berry is beneficial – it is an antidepressant, a cool face mask, an excellent hand cream, and will help with colds and just a delicious and healthy delicacy.

Strawberry juice is beneficial not only for our body but also as a natural skin cleaner – it can rid your skin of freckles. In many healthy recipes, this juice is recommended for teeth whitening; Among other health benefits, strawberries have a significant effect on human memory.

To draw this super-healthy berry, we need:
– a pencil; – black liner or marker;
– color pencils;
-a sheet of paper of a suitable size.

So let’s get started drawing strawberries immediately!

Strawberry drawing easy (option 1)

strawberry drawing

1 – We will start with a circle, which will be our sketch.

strawberry drawing
2 – Based on the borders of the circle, draw a strawberry shape.

strawberry drawing
3 – Then add the leaves at the base of the berry.

strawberry drawingstrawberry drawingstrawberry drawing
4 – And seeds, nuts.

strawberry drawing
5 – The last step will be the details of the sheets.

strawberry drawing

strawberry drawing
6 -, the whole basis of our strawberry drawing is ready; it remains only to add flowers to our berry.

strawberry drawing
7 – Color the strawberries like a real ripe berry!
I will never tire of repeating this phrase – you have coped with the task again! You have figured out how to draw strawberries! Having filled our vitamin and creative reserves, we can move on.

Strawberry drawing cute (option 2)

strawberry shortcake drawing

If the previous two examples were about drawing one berry, we will demonstrate how to draw a strawberry step by step and demonstrate a whole strawberry still life with two berries and one in a cut.
In total, we will draw three berries; in the first step, we will draw the first outlines.

strawberry shortcake drawing
Let’s draw the leaves. Everything is simple here, and no further explanation is required; look at the picture below.

strawberry shortcake drawing
Let’s draw the contours of the second strawberry. We will cut it in half, which is why we need to draw such an unusual shape.

strawberry shortcake drawing
Draw the inner part of the cut berry.

strawberry shortcake drawing
Draw another strawberry in the background. It will not be evident because the front two will cover it.

strawberry shortcake drawing
We represent the grains. Everything is simple here, with short lines standing in the same row but having different chaotic directions.

strawberry shortcake drawing
Well, the last step is to color in the resulting picture.

strawberry shortcake drawing

Strawberry shortcake drawing (option 3)

strawberry drawing

1. We will have three whole berries. Draw 2 circles, draw “noses,” and draw another berry at the back

strawberry drawing
2. Outline the leaves-caps

strawberry drawing easy
3. Draw the seeds

strawberry drawing easy
4. Outline the contour

strawberry drawing easy
5. Color the berries in red and the barrels yellow

strawberry drawing easy
6. Color the leaves with bright green

strawberry drawing easy
7. Apply the shadows on leaves and sides of berries

strawberry drawing easy
8. Apply shading with a pencil, which will give volume

strawberry drawing easy
9. Finish with shading with a liner and paint over the seeds So our juicy and beautiful berries are ready))

strawberry drawing

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