Wolf Drawing Step by Step

Wolf Drawing in 2 variants will be told in this article! Wolves are a group of predatory mammals and belong to the family of the Dogidae. They belong to the genus wolves, which also includes jackals and coyotes. Most representatives of the wolf family are giant animals; their growth reaches up to 90 cm, and their weight ranges from 50 to 80 kg. But there are among them smaller varieties, with a height of 50 cm and a body weight of 13-22 kg.

Wolves are large, strong and beautiful predators. Wolves in northern latitudes have dense fur with a thick undercoat, thanks to which they easily endure the harsh winters. Predators living in areas with a warm climate have shorter hair. The most common color of these animals is gray or brownish-brown, but there are representatives with pure white and red-red coat colors. Wolves are considered cruel and bloodthirsty, but they are a danger to humans only in case of hunger or when their life is threatened.

So, wolves do not attack and generally avoid meeting with people. They are very clever, agile and skillful hunters who use different tactics to drive the game. Wolves are hardy and very fast and can accelerate to 40 kilometers per hour in a few seconds. They can cover distances of up to 60-80 km at night.

Wolf Drawing is a fun and exciting activity! These predators have highly acute hearing and an incredibly keen sense of smell. Their eyesight needs to be developed, and they see the world in dull, grayish tones. When searching for prey and hunting, wolves are guided by their sense of smell and can smell a potential victim at a distance of up to 3 km.

The life expectancy of wolves in the wild is 10-15 years; in captivity, their life span is about the same. Elena asks an expert: Why is the wolf called a forest sanitizer? This nickname was received because they kill weak and sick animals, preventing the spread of pestilence among ungulates.

These predators play a vital role in the forest ecosystem. It has long been proven that where they have been exterminated, herbivores die en masse from deadly epidemics. Habitat In distant times, wolves could be found in almost every corner of the globe. Due to uncontrolled extermination by humans and the reduction of their natural habitats, the range of gray predators was significantly reduced, and in some countries, they were utterly exterminated.

Wolves are perfectly adaptable to any conditions, inhabiting dense, rugged forests and high-mountainous regions. However, predators prefer rugged landscapes, plains and meadow areas with sparse undergrowth. Gray animals generally live sedentary lives, but when herds of ungulates migrate, they follow herbivores, moving hundreds of kilometers away from home.

And wolves living in the steppes roam behind herds of domestic deer and flocks of goats and sheep. Varieties of wolves The wolf family once included many subspecies. Still, most are extinct, including exciting animals like the Florida wolf and the one-of-a-kind Tasmanian marsupial wolf.

There are now only seven varieties of wolves in the classification of wolves, some of which are also endangered.

Let’s start a wolf drawin gright away!

Wolf Drawing Easy (Option 1)

Wolf Drawing

Step 1

Wolf Drawing

Start by sketching the body of the wolf as shown. Divide the head into four parts.

Step 2

Wolf Drawing

Draw the ears and add dashed lines of fur around the entire circumference of the head.

Step 3

Wolf Drawing

Draw the eyes with thin lines, positioning them so that they are on the horizontal auxiliary line. Draw the face as shown in the picture.

Step 4

Wolf Drawing

Draw cheekbones and ears.

Step 5

Wolf Drawing

Add fur to the wolf’s chest and hind legs using dashed lines.

Step 6

Wolf Drawing

Draw the front paws and the back paw in the background, following the directions in the drawing.

Step 7

Wolf Drawing

Now draw the hind leg in the background of the drawing.

Step 8

Wolf Drawing

Draw a fluffy tail.

Step 9

Wolf Drawing

In the final step, draw the bumpy surface of the ground.

Step 10

Wolf Drawing

Erase the auxiliary lines. Coloring a wolf

Step 11

Coloring a wolf

Wolf Drawing Cute (Option 2)

Wolf Drawing Easy

A simple children’s drawing

What is needed:

  • A sheet of paper;
  • Wax crayon in gray;
  • A black colored felt-tip pen and marker.

Step 1

Wolf Drawing Easy

Draw a trapezoid with the marker. This will be the torso.

Step 2

Wolf Drawing Easy

Place a triangle on top of the trapezoid; its acute angle should be placed to the left. This will be the head.

Step 3

Wolf Drawing Easy

On the triangle on the right, place two ears.

Step 4

Wolf Drawing Easy

On the edge of the triangle on the left, draw a semicircle – a nose.

Step 5

Wolf Drawing Easy

Color it.

Step 6

Wolf Drawing Easy

Draw a circle (eye), and in it – pupil, color it.

Step 7

Wolf Drawing Easy

Outline the smile of the wolf by drawing a line.

Step 8

Wolf Drawing Easy

Along the line, place the teeth.

Step 9

Wolf Drawing Easy

From the lower part of the body, draw two lines and get a tail.

Step 10

Wolf Drawing Easy

Draw two lines from the bottom of the body and two on the sides. These are the legs.

Step 11

Wolf Drawing Easy

On the body draw a vertical oval.

Step 12

Wolf Drawing Easy

Paint the wolf with gray crayon without touching the teeth (they should be white) and the vertical oval.

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