Acorn Drawing Step by Step

Acorn drawing in 3 versions is described in this article! What is an acorn? Nuts are considered the fruits of some plants (usually trees or shrubs) covered with a hard shell and an edible kernel. However, botanists do not classify oak fruit as nuts but consider it a nut-like fruit called an acorn.

The difference from the nut is that the acorn’s pericarp is not so hard, and at the base, it is surrounded by a cup-shaped plyus with a protective cover. This shape makes it an indispensable material for hand-made. Acorns grow wherever there are trees and shrubs of the beech family, even a chestnut is an acorn. It is easy acorn drawing, just fascinatingly, the main thing is to follow our recommendations!

However, we consider the acorns to be the fruits of oaks, and there are more than 500 species of them on the planet, and almost all of them are long-lived trees. The growing area is wide enough – practically all of Europe, North Korea, China, western North America. Oaks are unique trees; they can grow from a tiny acorn, which sprouting, forms shoots and roots, and young trees recover quickly after damage.

Thanks to the ample supply of nutrients in the acorn, the oak overgrows for the first 12 months. If in the first year of growth the shoot is damaged, then it will increase each time anew; however, it will not grow into a large tree but will become a thin-stemmed tree or will look like a shrub as a shrub.

Let’s get down to acorn drawing!

Acorn drawing easy (option 1)

acorn drawing

We draw an oval.

acorn drawing
Acorn Accessory Shapes Draw one more one ahead.

acorn drawing
Acorn supporting numbers

We create a hat

Eliminate unnecessary lines, plainly dividing the fruit into a nut and a hat.
Kind the acorn head

acorn drawing

Eliminate unnecessary lines
acorn drawing
The outlines of the hat
Draw the line of the cap bent. Do not fail to remember to add a pointed braid.
acorn drawing
Analyze the illustration, remedy it.
acorn drawing
Hat shading to the left
The hat is covered with a fine mesh.
acorn drawing
Hat shielding to the right
Draw lines to the right to make sure that small diamonds appear on the head.
acorn drawing
Continue drawing, adhering to the directions meticulously.
acorn drawing
With its aid, the acorn was affixed to the branch.
acorn drawing
Shade the acorn in shades of brown

acorn drawing

Acorn drawing color (option 2)

acorn drawing easy

For work, you will need:

  • colour pencils
  • paper
  • black marker or gel pen
  • simple pencil

Step 1
First, you need to outline the acorns in the centre of the leaf.

acorn drawing easy

Step 2
Next, it is worth completing the hats. It is also worth noting the lines for future leaflets.

acorn drawing easy

Step 3
In the next step, we make the acorns the correct shape. And the leaves need to draw an arched outline.

acorn drawing easy

Step 4
After that, it’s worth tackling the texture of the hats. First, it is created using crossed arched lines. Next, the outline of each acorn should be drawn.

acorn drawing easy

Step 5
In the next step, we finish outlining the second leaves and draw veins.

acorn drawing easy

Step 6
After that, you need to clarify the outline of the entire drawing.

acorn drawing easy

Step 7
Next, you need to paint over the acorns with a beige pencil. The picture will be given the base shade.

acorn drawing easy

Step 8
Now you need to take a bright yellow pencil. This color should be painted over and acorns with caps and leaves.

acorn drawing easy

Step 9
Then you need to arm yourself with orange and burgundy pencils and work out the drawing with them.

acorn drawing easy

Step 10
With a dark brown color, we create volume thanks to neat strokes.

acorn drawing easy

Step 11
It would help if you also used a black pencil.

acorn drawing easy

Step 12
We also do the strokes on the acorns with a black marker or gel pen.

acorn drawing easy

Step 13
As a result, you will get a wonderful picture, which was created using coloured pencils.

acorn drawing easy

Step 14

The drawn acorn work with a pencil looks peculiar and exciting due to shading. Moreover, the drawing gives positive emotions and fond memories of the autumn season.

acorn drawing easy

Acorn drawing simple (option 3)

acorn drawing step by step

To easily and draw an acorn, you should carefully study this scheme.First, we draw two lines, one of which will be a leaf, and the acorns themselves will be attached to the second.

acorn drawing step by step
After that, we proceed to the image of the leaf itself and draw the outlines of the acorns.

acorn drawing step by stepacorn drawing step by stepacorn drawing step by stepacorn drawing step by step
We work out in detail and decorate.

acorn drawing step by step

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