Frog Drawing Step by Step

Frog drawing in 4 versions is described in this article! A whole group of animals is called frogs, representing the order “Tailless amphibians.” Therefore, this term is permissible in relation to various representatives of a similar order of animals, although many use it exclusively about the family “Real frogs.”

The frog family is different in that they do not have a pronounced neck, so it seems that the head is one with a vast body. These animals also lack a tail, which is reflected in the very name of the order and is its characteristic difference. Frogs have a unique vision, while they can control the living space within 360 degrees.

Frogs have a relatively large head, flat in shape, along the edges of protruding eyes. In comparison with some other representatives of the order, these animals have two pairs of eyelids – lower and upper. Under the lower eyelid is the blinking membrane, which is also called the “third eyelid.” The so-called tympanic membrane in the back of the eyes, which consists of an area covered with thin skin.

Two nostrils can be seen above the relatively large mouth, armed with special valves. The frog’s mouth is armed with relatively small teeth in size. Frog drawing is an exciting and exciting activity!

The frog’s front paws are armed with four very short toes, compared to the hind legs, which are much better developed and end with five toes, between which there is a special membrane of skin, which allows the frog to feel great in the water element. The frogs’ fingers do not have claws, which is also considered a characteristic feature of the family. The so-called cloaca is at the back of the torso, which is the only outlet for processed food components.

The frog’s body is covered with bare skin, covered with a layer of special mucus, which is secreted by a large number of the frog’s subcutaneous glands. An interesting moment! The European frog does not grow more than 10 centimeters in length. In contrast, the African goliath frog is considered the most prominent family member, growing up to half a meter in length and gaining a few kilograms of weight.

As a rule, the size of frogs depends on their species, although generally, their size ranges from 0.8 to 32 centimeters. The color of frogs is so varied, which often differ in a somewhat variegated color of their body. Usually, the body color of these animals is associated with natural habitat conditions, which allows them to easily disguise themselves among various vegetation, among grasses, etc.

Often, the bright color of the animal is evidence of their toxicity, while poisonous substances are produced by special glands located on the skin of the animal. These substances can be hazardous not only for animals but also for humans. Some species are capable of imitating the “fighting” coloring of poisonous frogs to protect themselves from natural enemies.

Let’s get started frog drawing immediately!

Frog drawing easy (option 1)

frog drawing

Step 1

Draw two rounded eyes of the frog, situated relatively near each other. Then Draw the summary of the frog’s face.

frog drawing

Step 2

Draw two nostrils for the frog, a large grinning mouth, and eyelashes before the frog’s eyes.

frog drawing

Step 3

First, draw the oblong body; after that, draw the frog’s back legs.

frog drawing

Step 4

Draw the frog’s legs.

frog drawing

Step 5

Get rid of the lines in the front legs; see the result.

frog drawing

Frog drawing cute (option 2)

frog drawing easy

In this, not a tricky way, you can draw a toad.

frog drawing easy
First, take a pencil in hand and outline the silhouette of a toad.

frog drawing easy

A simple pencil will be easier to correct with an eraser in case of small misses in proportions.

frog drawing easy

frog drawing easy frog drawing easy frog drawing easy frog drawing easy frog drawing easy
We draw the toad from the head, dropping down the back and moving on to the body and legs.

frog drawing easy frog drawing easy
You need to paint the toad in dark green colors, lightening the belly and neck from below.

frog drawing easy

Frog drawing cartoon (option 3)

frog drawing cute

Step 1

First, draw a rectangle with a circle at the top!

frog drawing cute

Step 2

Add semi-ovals to the right, left, and top!

frog drawing cute

Step 3

Draw the legs of our frog!

frog drawing cute


Step 4

Draw the front legs of the frog

frog drawing cute

Step 5

Draw the eyes and mouth of our frog!

frog drawing cute

Step 6

We sharpen the outline of the legs!

frog drawing cute

Step 7

We color our frog!

frog drawing cute

Frog drawing simple (option 4)

frog drawing cartoon

Step 1

Draw the frog’s body as a rectangle and add two circles on top of the rectangle!

frog drawing cartoon

Step 2

We outline the frog’s front legs and hind legs!

frog drawing cartoon

Step 3

Draw the head and body of our frog!

frog drawing cartoon

Step 4

We draw the front legs of the frog!

frog drawing cartoon

Step 5
We are sharpening the gill fingertips!

frog drawing cartoon

Step 6

We draw the ovals of the eyes and mouth of our frog!

frog drawing cartoon

Step 7

We sharpen the outlines of the body of our frog!

frog drawing cartoon

Step 8

We color our frog!

frog drawing cartoon

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