How to draw a turkey in two ways will be described in this article. In different countries of the world this bird is called differently. In America – gobblers (and farmers, just Tom). But in England – teki-Turkey. And Ukraine – turkeys, ie Indian bird. The origin of turkeys and their unusual fate
Before Columbus discovered America, turkeys were unknown in Europe and Asia. In 1519, the Spanish, led by Hernando Cortez, invaded the lands of Mexico. Here, in these lands, they saw strange animals and birds. The Spaniards were struck by a large bird covered in ornate plumage with a tinge of bronze luster. They called it the pavo. Domesticated turkeys quickly spread to many countries of the world in a hundred years.
According to legend, colonists arriving in the New World had no food and were saved from starvation by turkeys found in the local forests. From that time, the tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving with roast turkey began in America. For Americans, this bird is very symbolic and highly respected.
American scientists believe that in the pre-Columbian period, there were about 10 million heads of this bird on the country’s territory. At that time, wild turkeys were harvested by children in Indian tribes for the needs of their families. Adult Indians considered it beneath their dignity to hunt turkeys.
Drawing is a fun activity in itself, and if it’s drawing a turkey, it’s double the fun! Unreasonable human safety in a short time brought the wild turkey population to the brink of total extinction. By 1920, the species had survived only one-fourth of the continent. This is when radical measures were taken to preserve this bird species.
They began to capture wild turkeys and dispersed them to different parts of the continent. Now, there are 1 5 million wild turkeys in America, which will be settled in 41 American states. Domestic turkey breeds are descended from two subspecies found in South and North America.
Turkeys from South America are small, and those from North America are large. Scientists believe that the main ancestor of domestic turkeys is the North American subspecies of wild turkeys. In 1523, the Spaniards brought them to Europe, and from there, they spread to Asia under the name of “overseas chicken”.
Therefore, all European turkey breeds are similar to American turkeys. Domesticated turkeys differ from wild turkeys in that they have short legs and a massive appearance. Their plumage is lighter in color. The wild heredity has been passed on to domestic fowl as well. Turkeys are recognized runners. Their ground speed can reach 30 kilometers per hour.
Let’s immediately start drawing the turkey!
How to draw a turkey Easy (option 1)
Step 1
In the first step in drawing a turkey, we draw a circle and choose the point of the main drawing direction from the top left.
Step 2
Next step, we draw a half arc, as shown in the picture
Step 3
We draw the neck of the turkey and the base of the torso!
Step 4
Next, we draw the back of the turkey
Step 5
Draw the legs, tail, and eyes
Step 6
Create outlines of beak and leg feathers!
Step 7
In the final step, we draw dark outlines of the whole body of our turkey
How to draw a turkey for kids (option 2)
Step 1
First, draw a semi-oval, as you can see from the picture.
Step 2
Next, in drawing the turkey, it is important to create the contour of the neck and head.
Step 3
Draw the base of the back part of the turkey and the head.
Step 4
Draw the beak and front feathers
Step 5
Draw the plumage on the turkey’s body and wings.
Step 6
Draw legs and plumage on the back of the turkey
Step 7
At this stage, we paint our drawings in colorful colors.