Lilac Drawing Step by Step

Lilac Drawing in 3 variants will be described in this article! Lilac is a fragrant plant with delicate flowers. This shrub is familiar to everyone in every corner of the world. Writers and artists have taken inspiration from the plant. It is sung about in songs, mentioned in works of art, and many paintings, lilacs. Landscape designers are not without this representative of the flora in decorating parks and squares, and gardeners plant it in their garden plots.

Lilacs bloom in the warm period from May to June when the temperature reaches +18 … +20 degrees. Its natural habitat is the Far East, China, and the southern mountains of Europe. Lilac (Syrínga) in Greek means “tube.” The name comes from the shape of the flower, which resembles a small pipe decorated with petals.

Lilac Drawing is an exciting and fun activity; most importantly, follow our recommendations!
There is a legend associated with the origin of the plant’s name. The ancient Greek nymph Syringa was in love with the god of forests. Running away from the lover, she turned into a bush. The distressed Pan made a whistle from the branches of the shrub.

The lilac was first cultivated in China. It was planted in Buddhist monasteries as a symbol of enlightenment. With the advancement of religion northward, lilacs were also spread throughout the territory. Breeder Victor Lemoine of France bred a large variety of lilacs. The state appreciated his contribution: the gardener was appointed the head of the nursery. Nursery workers headed by L. Kolesnikov bred more than 300 varieties.

Many gardeners wonder: is lilac a tree or a shrub? A woody shrub (by encyclopedic qualification). The plant, which grows in the wild, has several trunks of different heights; some grow up to 8 meters. When pruning, gardeners often give the shrub the shape of an ornamental tree.

Lilac is a shrub of the olive family. Its close relatives are considered forsythia, ash, turquoise. Warm-loving relatives are – jasmine olive. The perennial plant has several trunks growing straight or spreading out; their average height is 5 to 7 meters. The shrub is covered with uniformly dark green foliage, which does not fall off until the onset of frost. Leaf-blades reach a length of 12 cm. Depending on the variety, they come in different shapes: oval, pinnate, ovate, compound dissected, with a smooth edge and a pointed tip.

Flowers look like elongated funnels that end with four open petals. The inflorescences consist of many tiny flowers that form lush bunches. When lilac blooms, about 18,000 inflorescences can bloom on a single shrub. Their color palette is varied: the flowers come in pink, purple, blue, purple, white, and other shades. A subtle, exquisite fragrance during the plant’s flowering is spread far around the neighborhood. Winged seeds mature in bivalves.

Let’s get to Lilac Drawing away!

Lilac Drawing Easy (option 1)

Lilac Drawing

There is also such a drawing, a sprig of lilacs. First, draw the general shape of the flower, as in the picture, the lines of leaves, and in the middle will be the inflorescence of flowers.

Lilac Drawing
Start to trace the tiny flowers of the lilacs.

Lilac Drawing
Fill the entire space, as in the illustration.

Lilac DrawingLilac Drawing
Now it is possible to finish drawing the leaves and branches of the flower.

Lilac Drawing
Here and now, ready, it is necessary to remove unnecessary lines with a rubber band; you can color with colored pencils.

Lilac Drawing

Lilac Drawing

Lilac Drawing Simple (option 2)

lilac drawing easy

We’re going to draw one of these, not too fluffy.
The first thing we do is to highlight the base and shape, which tapers to the top.

lilac drawing easy
We start drawing with open flowers; you do not need to copy the location exactly; draw approximately because you understand the area and their density may differ.
lilac drawing easy
Draw more lilac flowers twigs with them.

lilac drawing easy
Draw the flowers in the foreground, the leaves further behind them.

lilac drawing easy
Doris a twig and more leaves.

lilac drawing easylilac drawing easy
Darken the leaves and flowers of the lilacs that are in the background.

lilac drawing easy

Lilac Drawing Cute (option 3)

lilac drawing step by step

Drawing the lilac bush step by step:
First, draw the outline of the lilac bush and the stem:

lilac drawing step by step
Draw the second line of the stem, draw the leaves:

lilac drawing step by step
Outline the leaves circles inside the system:

lilac drawing step by step
Inside each circle, draw a flower:

lilac drawing step by step
Erase unnecessary lines, paint the leaves of the bush:

lilac drawing step by step
Let’s color the lilacs:

lilac drawing step by step

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