Penguin Drawing in 3 variants will tell in this article! Penguins are surprised not only by their prominent coloration but also by their behavior. So how do these birds live in the wild, and what exciting things can we learn about them?
The penguin is a bird with a very recognizable appearance. They look rather clumsy because of the strange structure of their legs and wings.
Their body shape resembles an oval, and their head is elongated. At the same time, penguins have a wide front part of the body and a small abdomen, so they look plump and well-fed: the fat helps them not freeze in the icy ocean.
The neck of the bird is thin and very mobile. Thanks to it, the sluggish penguin can cleverly get his food. The penguin’s beak is sharp and strong.
The wings deserve special attention. As penguins cannot fly, their wings gradually become powerful elongated flippers, which work like propellers! In the water, they rapidly rotate, helping the birds swim quickly, even over long distances.
Penguin Drawing is an exciting and fun activity; the main thing is to follow our advice!
The penguins’ paws are very different from those of flying birds. Since these birds can’t fly, they don’t need to get their feet under their torso to make it easier to get into the air. Penguins’ feet with wide webbing are located a little ahead of the abdomen, so in order not to fall, birds have to walk upright, amusingly tumbling from side to side. And the short tail helps them keep their balance!
The penguins’ bodies are covered with small feathers, which protect them from hypothermia. Once a year, the bird changes the old fluffy feathers for new ones that are neat and smooth. The coloration of penguins can be different – it depends on the species of this bird. But most of them have a similar appearance: a white back and a black belly, like a tailcoat.
Penguins are found in different parts of the world. And it doesn’t have to be cold at all. Most of these birds live in cold and distant Antarctica, at the South Pole. But as it turns out, you can meet them even near the coast of Australia, South America, and the Galapagos Islands, and it can be very hot there!
The fantastic birds in black tails have an exciting way of life.
Penguins live in large families – flocks. They use sounds similar to grunts, rattling pipes, and cackling geese to communicate with each other. Despite their somewhat menacing appearance, penguins are big cowards. Before entering the water, they stomp around the edge and wait for one to do so. But when the first daredevil enters the water, the others immediately follow him into the ocean.
They do not fear predators (sea lions, killer whales) waiting in the water. Penguins are excellent mothers and fathers. They always find the best place to incubate their eggs and stay there long until the baby penguin grows up. From the cold, the chick, covered with gray down, hides in the folds of its parents’ belly. By the way, the egg is incubated by the father while the mother hunts in the water.
Let’s start drawing the penguin immediately.
Penguin Drawing Easy (option 1)
To draw a penguin step by step, we need a piece of paper, an eraser, and a simple pencil. Suppose you have any materials to paint later – for example, paints or crayons. Start with the head of the penguin; it is straightforward; draw an upside-down line like a semicircle. It should look something like this. By the way, if you like drawing animals, see how to draw a cat.
Now draw the bottom of the penguin’s muzzle with a pencil. It’s a little wider than the top part, but the lines are just as smooth.
Next, we need to draw the shape of the penguin’s body. For children will be easy to draw this simple oval, but if something does not work – be sure to use an eraser if you have one. If not – no big deal – later, you can paint over the extra lines with some heavy paint, for example, gouache.
As you may have noticed, drawing a penguin is simple and easy. Let’s draw his feet – they are also easy to draw; the only thing – make sure that the drawing is symmetrical.
In the same way, we do with the lower legs of the penguin.
The basis for drawing the penguin is ready. Let’s draw a big penguin’s eyes. To do this, draw two large circles in the middle of his head.
Just below between the eyes, we need to draw the penguin’s beak; it consists of two simple elements.
Part of the head of the penguin is black, so we were easier to paint our picture and draw two strips at once.
Next, we need to draw large pupils with bright white highlights.
The penguin’s belly is usually white, and the back is black, so on the belly of our character, we will draw one smaller oval so that later it is easier and more enjoyable to paint it.
Yes, we’re almost done! Here is such a painted penguin we have! And now let’s paint it together.
I am using shades of gray for his body and bright yellow and orange for his lower legs and beak. It turned out cute and pretty!
Penguin Drawing for Colouring (option 2)
Step 1
Draw a circle in the center
Step 2
Draw a circle in the center of the first circle that goes beyond the first circle.
Step 3
We connect both circles creating a head for our penguin
Step 4
We draw a circle in the form of an egg – this is the body of our penguin
Step 5
We draw wings-erasers to our penguin
Step 6
We remove the extra contours of our drawing
Step 7
Draw the paws of the eraser
Step 8
Draw the shapes of the nose and eyes of the penguin
Step 9
Draw eyes and body contours
Step 10
Coloring our beautiful penguin
Penguin Drawing Cute (option 3)
There are no difficulties in drawing a penguin or a baby penguin.
1. Schematically, with circles or ovals, it is necessary to set the position of the body,
2. Then, connect them with smooth lines.
Draw a beak, eyes, and paws, considering their structure’s peculiarities.
Remember the wings and tail. The coloring should also be close to nature so that it looks like a real one).