Crystal drawing Step by Step

Crystal drawing in 5 options will be described in this article! CRYSTALS – substances in which the smallest particles (atoms, ions, or molecules) are “packed” in a particular order. As a result, during crystal growth, flat faces spontaneously appear on their surface, and the crystals themselves take a diverse geometric shape. It is not so difficult to draw crystals, follow our recommendations, and you will succeed!

For a long time, scientists studying the structure of solids drew attention to one interesting fact: if you hit a crystal, for example, a piece of sugar or rock salt, with a hammer, it will certainly break into smaller pieces, and these pieces will have the same polyhedron shape – bricks with right angles. The crystal is in a solid and liquid state.
Now we how to draw crystals in pencil in stages.

Crystal drawing very realistic ( option 1)

Crystal drawing

Step 1

Crystal drawing
First, draw a separate pillar and draw a couple of internal lines

Step 2

Crystal drawing
Add the bottom of the two small beams!

Step 3

Crystal drawing
Draw two more beams next to them, a little smaller!

Step 4

Crystal drawing
To draw a crystal, we need first to determine its shape. We will draw a group of crystals, and we will end up with a beautiful composition. We draw three significant figures, carelessly breaking them in straight lines. Add some small shapes below. They should have angles, the sides should also be straight, but the form itself should not be entirely correct.

Step 5

Crystal drawing
Now that we have the foundation, we need to clearly outline the boundaries of each crystal. Carefully trace the contours of the crystal with a pencil.

Step 6

Crystal drawing
Now add the faces. They should also consist of straight lines and form regular, even sides, like this.

Step 7

Crystal drawing
So, the general shape of the crystals is drawn; you can start painting. Fill the form of the crystals with blue, which should darken to the bottom.

Step 8

Crystal drawing
We determine the light source and begin to lighten the bright sides with a blue and white tint. Those surfaces that are closest to the light source should have the lightest color.

Step 9

Crystal drawing
Add light lines to the edges of each surface from the bright side, all this will give the desired effect. Also, do not forget about reflexes – crystals interact with each other, and light from them falls on neighboring crystals.

Step 10

Crystal drawing
Add dark spots like this.

Step 11

Crystal drawing
Now you need to apply a bright white shade to each of the faces since these places reflect the light most.
how to draw a crystal step 8

Step 12

Crystal drawing
We make the necessary color correction and ready; that’s what should happen.

How to draw crystals step by step (option 2)

how to draw crystals

1 To draw a crystal, the drawing of which will look as natural as possible, you need to take a sheet of special paper for watercolor and a simple pencil. Swipe 2 lines diagonally just above the middle of the sheet, you should get the top of the triangle. Then from each of these lines, drawdown straight lines 5 cm long.

how to draw crystals

2 Now you need to cut a crystal. To do this, draw a small line from the top corner parallel to the left line of the top of the crystal and connect them.
how to draw crystals


3 Further from the point where the wire touches the line diagonally, draw a small line diagonally to the left, and from the point where you connected the two oblique lines, draw the same short line diagonally, but to the right. Now join these 2 points and draw two straight lines from them. On the left side, between 2 lines, draw half a thin straight line.

how to draw crystals

4 Then draw some more small crystals that extend from the large. The side crystals should be drawn diagonally, slightly lying, the crystal in the middle should be even and small, and draw the bottom ones as if they were lying. Do not forget to draw faces on each crystal.
how to draw crystals

5 Now you can begin to paint. Using a brush, paint over the most significant part of the crystal, which is located at the top. Use a few shades of pink, darkening the bottom of the crystal. Use small white strokes to overflow. Decorate the rest of the crystal in the same way: the more shades of pink and purple you have, the more beautiful the crystal will look. So that the colors do not mix with each other, make small gaps.

how to draw crystals

6 At the end, a circle with a black liner all the gaps that you left so that the color of your crystal does not become smeared. Also, the crystalline should be diluted with small strokes on the sides – this way, you can easily achieve its naturalness.
how to draw crystals

how to draw crystals

How to draw ice crystals (option 3 )

how to draw crystals

Several blue crystals
As we said earlier, these stones have many different shapes. In this example, we will tell you how to draw a crystal with a pencil in an elongated shape. For drawing, we will need at least one color pencil; we decided to choose blue. If you do not have it, then you can choose any other color, the essence of this will not change.

We draw the outlines of the first crystals. A critical point, all lines should be smooth, so if you can’t make them straight by hand, you can use the ruler.

how to draw crystals
In the same way, we add two more. As you can see, at the moment they are not voluminous, we will work on this a bit later.

how to draw crystals
Add more!

how to draw crystals

Now the fun part is, we have to work in bulk. Examine the photo below, and you will understand where and what lines you need to draw.

how to draw crystals

We take a blue pencil, and with a light click on it, we colorize the drawing. Note that some sides are lighter and some are darker. This is a significant effect of chiaroscuro, which we must transmit.

how to draw crystals

Crystal ball drawing ( option 4)

how to draw crystals

Bright crystals
In this example, we will learn how to draw a crystal in stages, which is located in front of us. There will be six of them, and everyone will have a different shape and color, so we need a whole bunch of colored pencils.

The first stage does not portend anything special. Here we must simply depict the contours and nothing more. We also recommend that you work with an ordinary pencil so that if errors occur, you can erase them. Usually, a pencil sketch is outlined with a black pen at the final stage, but we decided at our own risk and risk working with a black pen immediately. By what method you will draw – you decide.

how to draw crystals

Add volume, to do this, inside the crystals, we draw a smaller copy of the external contours and then connect them with lines.

how to draw crystals

The final step is coloring. We decided to make a bright drawing and picked up various colors, namely red, blue, green, and pink. You can do the same or pick some other colors. Also, it is not superfluous to add yellow stars, as if our stones are shining.

how to draw crystals

Crystal cluster drawing (Option 5)

Crystal drawing Step by Step


We begin to draw crystals. Start by drawing the longest crystal. The shape of the crystal has several angled edges at the top.
Crystal drawing Step by Step

Now draw a small piece of crystal, which is located at the bottom of the large crystal.

Crystal drawing Step by Step
Draw two more crystals, which are directed to the right side. Also, they must differ in shape and size, in contrast to previous crystals.

Crystal drawing Step by Step

Add two more crystals on the left side, which are directed to the left side.

Crystal drawing Step by Step

Draw a lot of crystal fragments that lie on the ground.

Crystal drawing Step by Step

Now draw a design on the crystals and fragments as shown. This will give them a crystal look.

Crystal drawing Step by Step

Decorate the crystals at the end. Decorate all crystals in blue tones. All crystals are drawn.

Crystal drawing Step by Step
Interesting about crystals
– The largest crystal that was found was 1 meter wide and 15 meters long. He was found in the cave of crystals in 2000.
– In 1914, a crystal with a weight of 90 tons was found; its length was 12.8 meters.


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