Draw Tulip Flower Step by Step

Draw Tulip Flower in 2 variants will be described in this article! Tulip L., family Liliaceae, has about 140 species and at least 3000-4000 varieties and forms. They are herbaceous perennial spring ephemerides with a short growing season.
Tulips are plants of hot countries with dry climates, frost, and drought tolerant.

As an ornamental plant, they have been used by humans since time immemorial. The first information about introducing this plant into culture is found in Persia during the reign of Cyrus I. The garden of the latter was decorated with tulips. The poem “Leyla and Majnun” by Nizami (1188) is a “monument” to tulips, where he described a garden with tulips in bloom.

The first tulips appeared in Europe in the 16th century. They were imported by Barlem del Eklund, better known as C. Clusius. From the middle of the 16th to the 18th century, Europe had a real tulip boom, which is still going on, despite a slight decline in the 19th century.

Thanks to the efforts of the Dutchman N. Lefeber, the tulip boom was kindled again in the 20th century because from his travels in Central Asia, he brought to Holland bulbs of tulip Foster, T. Greig, T. Albert, T. Kaufmann, T. Riegel, T. Schrenk and on their basis he created many (about 400!) new varieties which conquered the whole world.

Draw Tulip Flower easy and fun; the main thing is to follow our recommendations!

The tulip bulb consists of 2-5 concentrically closed fleshy scales and a membranous covering scale. It renews annually. Leaves are 2-4 (rarely one or up to 12). Depending on the species, flowers are 1 or 2 on the stem, but some may have three or more (up to 15). Coloration is a variety: red, yellow, white, and bicolor. Broad types and garden forms are created. The flowering period lasts from 7 to 10 days. The fruit is a dry capsule. The seed is brown, flat, and triangular. The most important things about growing and propagating tulips

Tulips are propagated by seeds and bulbs (preferably for various tulips). Seeds are sown soon after harvesting in prepared beds. Bulbs are planted 1.5-2 months before the soil freezes so that the plants can take root.
The place for planting should be sunny and protected from the wind. The most favorable for tulips is sandy loam soil, rich in organic and mineral nutrients, neutral or slightly acidic, and necessarily well-drained. On acidic soils, a thorough liming is carried out beforehand. The depth of the cultivated soil layer for tulips should be no less than 40-45 cm. Tulips are planted in open sunny areas. Tulips should be planted in open, bright rooms.

The plants are usually planted at 3-4 height of the bulb (up to 18 cm). For the winter, it is good to cover the plantings with a layer of humus and peat. It is desirable to excavate the bulbs annually, sort them, and cull and destroy diseased plants.
Tulips are responsive to fertilization with readily soluble fertilizers in the snow (at the end of winter – beginning of spring at the rate of 20-40 g per square meter of nitrate or superphosphate), and also with granular slowly soluble complex (eg, fertilizer AVA should be applied at a rate of 5-7 g per square meter in the zone of root development and the same amount over the bulbs in the second layer, after a partial covering them with soil) under planting when tulips lose their characteristic color and become motley.

Wide varieties are affected by the variegation virus. Biological species are resistant to the virus. The only control measure is to destroy (burn) the bulbs. If you want to have good tulips on your plot, never give in to pity, even if you like the plant, and

it seems even better than the variety.

Let’s get to Draw Tulip Flower right away!

Draw Tulip Flower Easy (Option 1)


Draw Tulip Flower

After studying this lesson, you can draw a tulip by yourself. You will also learn how to work with color and shadow, making the flower image more realistic and three-dimensional.

You will need:

  • Sketchbook
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • A set of felt-tip pens or colored pencils

Step 1

Take a heavy sheet of drawing paper and place it vertically. Draw an oval at the top of the sheet without pressing down hard on the pencil.

Draw Tulip Flower

Step 2

At the top of the oval, draw another oval. This gives volume to a flat picture and outlines a flower.

Draw Tulip Flower

Step 3

Sketch the arrangement of the petals.

Draw Tulip Flower

Step 4

Draw the top edges of each petal individually. Erase any extra lines with an eraser.

Draw Tulip Flower

Draw Tulip Flower

Step 5

After drawing the flower bowl, finish drawing the stem and leaves.

Draw Tulip Flower

Draw Tulip Flower

Step 6

The outline of the tulip image is ready; let’s move on to working with color. First, paint the flower bowl in the lightest shade of your chosen color.
In our example, the flower will be done in red-orange tones, so paint the flower bowl with the lightest shade of orange. Also, leave some light highlights.

Draw Tulip Flower


Step 7

Choose a shade from the darker or darker pencil set and darken those parts of the flower where they would be shadowed in the natural environment.
Try to work in stroking motions, blurring the lines between the two shades of color.

Draw Tulip Flower

Draw Tulip Flower

Step 8

If you look at a real tulip up close, you can see that the texture of the flower is not uniform; the petals and leaves have veins and stripes.
Take the darkest shade of the color (in our case, we are using red) and add a natural texture to the image of the flower.
Also, use the darkest color in the darkest areas, such as the bottom of the flower bowl or the inner petals.

Draw Tulip Flower

Draw Tulip Flower

Step 9

Smooth the color transitions from dark to light again with a yellow felt-tip pen.

Draw Tulip Flower

Step 10

Paint the leaves and stem with the lightest shade of green. This is similar to how we darkened the flower bowl, added color, and drew shadows all over the green part of the tulip.
Use several shades of green and try to make the borders and color transitions smooth and blurry.

Draw Tulip Flower

Draw Tulip Flower Simple (Option 2)

Draw Tulip Flower Easy

Step 1

We draw an oval with a lower part for our tulip

Draw Tulip Flower Easy

Step 2

Draw the petals of the tulip

Draw Tulip Flower Easy

Step 3

Draw the top of the tulip

Draw Tulip Flower Easy

Step 4

Create a template for further coloring

Draw Tulip Flower Easy

Step 5

Coloring our tulip

Draw Tulip Flower Easy

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