How to Draw a Mermaid wakes told Step by Step With the assist of This Lesson! In this lecture, you will learn how to draw the mermaid I draw for my Child on an everyday foundation. This mermaid is very simple to create – so easy that still, your kid should be able to copy her without a lot of question!
If you do end up drawing this mermaid, gratify mail me a copy of your drawing so I can. Skill to draw a female shape and a tail of a big fish will be valuable here. A mermaid is half human, half fish, so not merely are you going to draw a fishtail however as well cover her secondary piece of the body with fish scales. In this lesson, we will look at how to draw a mermaid in various ways: from the simplest to the detailed and detailed instructions for complex drawings.
Drawing mermaid Phased description
We propose to analyze a simple example of how to draw a mermaid in stages. This method is quite simple, does not require special skills and is perfect for beginners.
Stage 1
Let’s start with the head: let’s draw a line resembling an open oval.
Draw a face: big eyes, mouth, nose and eyebrows.
Stage 2
Next, proceed to the body. The upper part is depicted as in ordinary people: neck, shoulders.
Then draw hands. This can be done in any way, depending on how the little mermaid will keep them. In the considered variant they are simply lowered down.
Traditionally, the mermaid portrayed, dressed in an outfit of shells. So do we.
Stage 3
The difference between a sea resident and ordinary people is in her tail. So now we draw it, starting just below the waistline.
Decorate the neck of a mermaid with beads.
Tail will give a similarity with the fish, drawing scales.
Stage 4
We finish drawing with the image of hair. In the water, they will be lush and flutter in all directions. Decorate your hair with an asterisk.
Draw Little Mermaid pencil
Below is an example of how to draw a mermaid with a pencil. The technique is a bit more complicated, but the result will be just wonderful. In addition, a detailed description of the process will help cope even beginners.
So, we start with the head. It is important to choose the correct location on the sheet – top and right, since the entire picture will be horizontal.
Next, mark the position of the neck, arms and torso. We will return to their more detailed drawing later.
Below we draw the tail.
Draw hair, long and lush.
Now you can draw in more detail the neck, shoulders and arms.
With the image of the body, you can immediately outline the mermaid’s clothes from the shells.
Draw the tail starting from the waist. At the top is a beautiful frill.
You can draw scales in the following way: first, draw a grid in thin lines, as shown in the figure. Then emphasize shadows with bold lines.
The tail fin is drawn in thin lines from top to bottom. Do not forget to clarify the edge.
It remains to complete the hairstyle and our sea princess is ready.
The whole picture is outlined with a thin felt-tip pen or pen, the pencil lines are deleted with an eraser.
The finished picture can be shaded with white paint, as shown in the picture, or completely painted.
Easy way to draw a mermaid
Another interesting way how to draw a mermaid is easy and simple.
Draw an oval face, and immediately, for convenience, outline the location of the hair around it. Such a sequence will allow you to draw without a sketch with a pen or felt-tip pen.
Hair decorate the flower.
The upper part of the hairstyle can also be drawn, but we will return to the long hair after the end of the body.
Let’s draw the pretty face of our little mermaid: big eyes, eyebrows and mouth.
Now we will depict the body in the clothes of shells.
Below the waistline is a long tail. The junction will be decorated with a belt.
You should also mark out small scales.
It remains to draw hands and the little mermaid figure is completely ready.
At the end we draw long hair of arbitrary shape and the seabed, where the little one lives.
We fill the finished drawing with color.
Beautiful mermaid
The example described below will help to draw a beautiful mermaid. It is also simple and suitable for both adults and children.
Draw eyes, mouth and nose.
We will circle them, representing an oval of the person.
Next we frame the face with long hair.
Then draw a neck.
Mermaid body consists of the upper part (as in humans) and the tail (as in fish).
You can draw any kind of clothing for a mermaid, but in this example she is wearing a short jersey.
Now we draw hands and tail fin.
We finish the drawing with the image of a beautiful hairstyle made of long hair with a flower ornament.
For the character, you can also draw the seabed, with pebbles and algae.
The most famous mermaid is the sea princess from the popular Disney cartoon. We now propose to consider how to draw the mermaid Ariel, the heroine of this animation tape.
First, mark the head. The first sketch resembles a slightly elongated oval with markings for the subsequent image of parts of the face.
Further, with simple lines we outline the trunk, arms and tail. It is important to select simple shapes for the sketch in order to choose the proportions correctly. Then these figures can easily be clarified.
Clarify the sketch will also begin with the head. Cartoon characters usually have large, expressive eyes. To achieve maximum similarity to this should pay special attention.
Also draw a nose, eyebrows and mouth.
Then we will clarify the shape of the face and outline the hairstyle.
Now let’s work on the figure: neck and arms.
Equip Ariel in a beautiful swimsuit of large seashells.
Having drawn the upper part of the body, you can complete the hairstyle.
And at the end we circle the tail. From the torso it separates the belt at the waist.
The picture can now be drawn around the contour with a thin felt-tip pen, pencil lines can be deleted with an eraser.
It remains only to add color and sea princess Ariel is ready.