How to draw a pear in 3 options will be described in this article! Differing in shape, color, and size, it is invariably healthy, aromatic, and tasty. Both children and adults love her. In this tutorial, we will look at how to draw a pear using various methods.
Eat one pear, and you will replenish your daily fiber intake by 20%, potassium by 6%, and vitamin C by 10%. Drawing a pear is an exciting and fascinating activity!
If you periodically eat juicy fruit separately from other foods, it will become an excellent natural antiseptic – it will “fix things” in the intestines, relieve harmful bacteria and microorganisms, and restore digestion. How to draw a pear quickly and, many people ask this question, especially our little children who love to draw!
From time immemorial, the pear was considered something special.
In ancient Greece, its fruits were an expression of appreciation and respect and were presented to the goddess Hera and Aphrodite as donations. The Chinese have created from this tree a symbol of immortality. In this tutorial, we will look at how to draw a pear using various methods.
Pear drawing (option 1)
The form
This fruit has an elongated oval shape. I’ll lower it more rounded. We pass this using the oval.
Bottom part
The upper part is more elongated. Create a shape with two ovals.
Top part
Connect the parts.
Delete all unnecessary.
Extra lines
Place for spine
Draw a small notch on top.

Bend at the bottom
Draw a more significant notch below, but do not erase the outline of the pear.
Must be short.
Fruits often fall from a tree with part of an office.
A stalk leaves the branch.
Leaf Draw a slightly curved sheet.
Small parts
In the recess below, draw small denticles.
Small details on the left side of the pear, draw a smooth line that repeats the outline.
Small details The last detail is a small streak on a sheet.
You can color the pear with colored pencils or paints.
How to draw a pear ( 2 option)
Step 1
Draw two ovals. To do this, use a dull pencil. I tell you how to draw a pear in stages, so some auxiliary lines will then need to be removed using an eraser.
Step 2
Using our ovals, sketch the outline of the fruit.
Step 3
Now erase the auxiliary lines inside the pear.
Step 4
This instruction clearly shows how to draw a pear with a pencil, to create the effect of volume by hatching, darkening, and highlighting of individual sections. Take a close look at my pencil drawing of the pear and try to repeat the same on paper.
Step 5
To finish the work, add a shadow on the table – this will make the painted picture of the pear even more voluminous and more realistic.
Now you know how to draw a pear, look
How to Draw a Realistic Pear ( 3 option)
1 – Draw a circle that will serve as the basis for further drawing.
2 – Now, given the boundaries of the circle, draw the shape of a pear, leaving a gap for the leaf.
3 – Then draw a twig and part of the pear behind the twig. In the third step, add a circle for the cut branch.
4 – Case for small – add a leaf and draw its skeleton.
5 – The drawing of the pear is ready; it remains only to color it.
6 – Such an orange-yellow juicy pear with a brown twig and a bright green leaf we did!
You learned how to draw a pear.