Koi Fish Drawing Step by Step

Koi Fish Drawing will be described in this article! Looking at the amazing colors and patterns of modern Koi, it is hard to believe that they are all descended from the common carp that inhabit the lakes and rivers of Europe and Asia today.
The word “koi” itself translates from Japanese as “carp”. Wild black carp have inhabited the territories adjacent to the

Caspian Sea since time immemorial. It is believed that carp were first domesticated in Persia. Thanks to the development of trade and carp’s extraordinary endurance, they soon populated vast territories in the Far East. About 2500 years ago, carp were introduced to China. The ancient Chinese appreciated these fish. To this day, in China and Japan, the carp is the epitome of strength and endurance.

It has yet to be discovered when the carp appeared in Japan. The first written records date back to the 8th century AD. It is most likely that the carp was brought to Japan by Chinese conquerors and settled in local rivers and lakes. Later, they began to cultivate it for consumption as food.

Koi Fish Drawing engages and relaxes the minds and bodies of young artists and adults alike! Carp was often the only source of protein for peasants living in inaccessible parts of the country. One such area was Niigata Province. The population of Niigata was made up of peasants who grew rice and vegetables on the slopes of the mountains.
To irrigate their fields, the peasants stored water in specially dug tanks.

These tanks were ideal for raising carp. Gradually, the peasants began to pay more and more attention to raising fish for food. The carp spawned in early June, and the fry was reared until mid-October, when they were caught and salted, thus being stocked for the winter.

Adult carp were too valuable to leave them in frozen ponds. Therefore, they were settled for the winter in small ponds dug in yards near houses and often in the houses themselves. In the spring, these carp were released into larger ponds to breed.
Soon after, the breeding of “colored carp” became a hobby of the peasants. Fish whose coloration was noticed to be abnormal began to be kept as pets. On some koi appeared areas of white color; on others – individual red scales.

Owners crossed their favorites with similar fish belonging to neighbors, and the hobby began to gain momentum. In the early twentieth century, local business people, merchants, doctors, and landowners began keeping colored carp for entertainment. At the same time, some visitors who saw these rare fish began to spread the word about them outside Niigata.

Right now, let’s get to the drawing immediately: koi fish drawing!

Koi Fish Drawing Step by Step

koi fish drawing

koi fish drawing

Step 1

koi fish drawing

The first step in drawing a koi fish is to draw two circles, one small and one large, and a half-bent arc connecting these circles!

Step 2

koi fish drawing

Next, draw the face of our fish and erase 2 parts of the circles.

Step 3

koi fish drawing

In the next step, we draw the bodies of our koi fish and the apron fins.

Step 4

koi fish drawing

The next step is to draw the back fins and tail of our little fish.

Step 5

koi fish drawing

Draw the back part of the fish and paint the whole body of the fish in dark colors.

Step 6

koi fish drawing

Draw the main part of the fish’s body in black colors and add an eye.

Step 7

koi fish drawing

koi fish drawing

Drawing our koi fish with colorful colors! Here, I presented two variants of the final drawing, simple and more detailed, using different shades of pencils!


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