Maple leaf drawing in 3 variants will be described in this article!
The maple leaf is a national symbol of Canada. But maple is a tree valued primarily for its wood. Its different species differ in appearance, properties, and range of distribution.
The genus Acer is a member of the family Sapindaceae and includes approximately 150 species, including several deciduous trees and shrubs.
Most representatives are characterized by a high growth rate – up to 60 cm in height and up to 40 cm in width per year, but only at the beginning of life. A seven-year-old tree is already higher than 2 m. Up to 30 years of age, the growth in height does not stop, and then it slows down significantly instead of vigorously growing side branches. From the age of 50, upward change is almost invisible. In general, trees live at least 150 years; according to some reports, up to 500 years can reach a height of 40 m.
The main decoration of the crown is the maple leaves. They have different shapes – simple, compound, and pinnate, but more often, they have palm-shaped, resembling a palm with five “fingers.” The species of maple determine the type of leaf. The color varies from deep green to purple, bright red, and dark pink. The thick crown looks beautiful and is excellent for clearing dust from the air, which is why maples are often planted in parks.
Maple leaf drawing is an exciting and fun activity; the main thing is to follow us!
Young trees have smooth, usually gray-brown bark. As it ages, it can darken to black, with narrow, long, chaotically intertwined cracks. The bark of a young shoot is reddish-gray. The root system is superficial, occurring at a depth of 20 cm widely in all directions from the trunk.
The flowering period falls in the spring from March to April. Some species bloom before the leaves open, others simultaneously. Seeds that mature in September-October have winglets up to 7 cm long that help them glide in the air and move easily far from the parent plant.
Maple species
Not all varieties are equally common; some are listed in the Red List and protected by the state.
The sycamore maple is the most common in Russia. Its additional names – sharply-leaved, plane-leaved. It can grow up to 28 m in height. It is its bark that darkens to almost black as it ages. The lobed leaf may have 5-7 nicks and is colored green, turning yellow or reddish-orange in the fall. Interestingly, the annual growth is up to a meter, and the first fruiting only occurs at the age of 17 years.
Ash maple is also called American maple, California maple, or weed maple. Height – up to 21 m. Suprovative compound leaves have a non-pair-pinnate shape and light green (to silvery-white) color, turning yellow in the fall. It is considered a potent allergen because it releases large amounts of pollen during flowering, provoking pollinosis. The crown is less attractive than other species, and the wood is not among the valuable varieties.
Let’s begin immediately maple leaf drawing!
Maple leaf drawing Easy (option 1)
Now we will look at how to draw a maple leaf with a pencil step by step. It’s very easy to draw. It is depicted on the flag of Canada.
Draw the base of the leaf in a vertical straight line. From about 1/3 of the distance from the bottom, draw two veins on each side.
Still, draw lines very thinly, divide the maple leaf into sections, then erase them.
At once, the maple leaf looks beautiful when it is more or less symmetrical, but nature is nature, and the leaf can be crooked, oblique, and much more jagged. So if it does not turn out straight – it’s not a problem. Draw the Outline of the maple leaf.
Now the tiny veins from the big ones, the core, and the stick.
That’s it; you’ve drawn it.
Coloring our maple tree
Maple leaf drawing Simple (option 2)
You should start with a simple one, so you should first learn how to draw a maple leaf with a simple pencil.
Take a not-too-fat pencil and draw a sketch. To do this, draw one long line, the basis, and another four shorter lines.
Then put auxiliary points. Use a heavy pencil to trace the petiole and the base.
Sketch the pointed ends and then the entire silhouette. Draw a jagged outline that converges at the outlined points.
Reminder, it is optional to outline symmetrically.
Take a bold pencil and draw the veins.
All unnecessary lines erase. This is what you get in a pencil drawing.
Coloring our maple leaf
Maple leaf drawing Outline (option 3)
Drawing develops your child’s thinking, imagination, and motor skills. Invite your child to sketch according to the following scheme.
First, draw a base.
Then do the little veins.
Help your child form a zigzag outline like the picture below.
Color the picture. It is easy and straightforward to draw and beautiful and bright.