Pelican Drawing Step by Step

Pelican drawing in 4 options will be described in this article! Pelicans are a genus of birds that are the only members of the Pelican family. On our Planet, only eight species represent this order, and a couple of species live within our country. Pelicans are considered the most giant birds in this family. All species of pelicans that live within temperate latitudes are migratory birds.

Pelican drawing is an easy task; the main thing is to follow our recommendations! Adult pelicans grow to a length of almost two meters, while they can weigh about 15 kilograms. The bird’s appearance has the characteristic features of the represented family, while the body of the bird is characterized as massive and awkward.

The pelicans’ wings are relatively large, and the legs are thick but relatively short, with webbing between the toes. The tail is comparatively tiny with a curvature at the end. The neck is quite long and well developed physically. The beak is also quite long, with a unique hook at the end. Pelican drawing in 4 versions will be explicitly written for better understanding

A characteristic different from other birds is a kind of leather bag in the lower part of the beak. With the help of this bag, the bird catches various aquatic inhabitants, including fish. The plumage of the bird is loose; therefore, it does not fit well to the body. Feathers get wet quickly, so the bird often squeezes them out with the beak to remove excess moisture. The primary color of the representatives of this family is almost white, with the presence of greyish tones, and often with a pinkish tint. Flight feathers are darker in color.

Pelicans differ from other birds by the presence of simple voice data. During the nesting period, birds make rather loud sounds in the form of a dull roar. In different periods of life, pelicans make sounds, but rarely enough: they are mostly silent.

Let’s get down to Pelican drawing!

Pelican Drawing easy (option 1)

pelican drawing

Now we are drawing a pink pelican.

pelican drawing
Draw a circle for the base of the head and eyes, then draw the pelican’s beak.
Pelican Drawing
Next, we draw the head, feathers behind the head, neck and body.
Pelican Drawing
Draw the shape of the wing, feathers and legs.

Pelican Drawing

We finish the visible part of the second wing, show the plumage with curves while erasing the contour lines.

Pelican Drawing

Finishing the plumage for our pelican

Pelican Drawing


Making the outlines brighter!

pelican drawing


Pelican Drawing simple (option 2)

Pelican Drawing color


Beak bag

Pelican Drawing color
To make it easier to draw a pelican, we need three auxiliary shapes – three circles of different sizes. The first is the bag on the beak.
Use a compass, but don’t press hard on the pencil. Later, the circle will change its shape.

Pelican Drawing color
We designate it with a small oval.


Pelican Drawing color
Draw on top in the form of a small circle.

Body shape

Pelican Drawing color
Begin to connect the head to the torso by drawing a long neck.

Pelican Drawing color
Gently erase the excess lines.

Wings and beak

Pelican Drawing color
The wings of these birds are large.
The beak is also large. Its length can reach up to 47 cm. There is a hook at the end. On the underside of the beak is a highly stretchable leather pouch. Pelicans use it to catch fish.

Pelican Drawing color
Add long feathers.

Pelican Drawing color
How to draw a pelican Pelicans flap their wings and beaks on the water and force the frightened fish out into shallow water.

Pelican Drawing color

Pelican Drawing color
We add it all over the body.

Pelican Drawing color
Now we have finished drawing the head.

Pelican Drawing color
They are short but very strong. The swimming membrane connects the fingers.
Correcting the contours

Pelican Drawing color
The drawing is ready. Erase all unnecessary, and move the contours.

Pelican Drawing color
The color depends on what kind of bird you are painting. If you decide to draw a pink pelican, naturally, the plumage will be pink.

Pelican Drawing color (option 3)

Pelican Drawing easy

We start with the head of our creation. It is enough to sketch two winding lines and connect them with a simple beak.

Pelican Drawing easy

This is done quickly and easily; even a beginner can handle it.

Pelican Drawing easy
Now let’s draw the eye. He must look into the soul of the viewer. It is also worth depicting the torso and wing. To do this, connect the lines started earlier at the bottom. Our masterpiece is almost complete.

Pelican Drawing easy
It remains to draw the legs. To do this, it is enough to draw four lines on the paper and connect them with two pads. The paws look like a regular fallen autumn leaf, so there will be no problems with creation.

Pelican Drawing easy
If you want, you can apply colors to your drawing. The wing should be painted black, the beak and legs yellow. In addition, you can add some shadows to make the picture look realistic.

Pelican Drawing easy

Pelican Drawing cartoon (option 4)

Pelican Drawing simple

First, draw an oval body,

Pelican Drawing simple
Then finish drawing the neck, head and beak,

Pelican Drawing simple
Then two wings, two legs and draw a beak with eyes,

Pelican Drawing simple
Add plumage on the head, wings and neck of the bird,

Pelican Drawing simplePelican Drawing simple
Decorate the pelican in grey and white shades, make accents in orange: beak and paws.

Pelican Drawing simple

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